Dave and I are having "date night" tonight. We were going to watch one of our new Rodgers and Hammerstein movies from the six DVD set we bought at Costco tonight. Either Oklahoma! or South Pacific was on the menu. But Dave has an insane day tomorrow (important phone call, meetings, teaching, more meetings, some other stuff I can't remember) and then in the evening we are taking care of Kelsey and Megan. So Dave was feeling a little stressed and I encouraged him to take some time tonight to get prepared for tomorrow while I got some things done.
So Dave has worked and I have washed dishes, sent some recipes to people over e-mail and folded Rachel's laundry, which was the inspiration for this post. Rachel is almost seven months old and I have finally started pulling out her 6-12 month clothing. She isn't outgrowing stuff yet but I think she's close so I wanted to be ready. So tonight I was folding some of the clothes she will be wearing over the coming months and getting excited!!! Yay!
So I'm going to share some pictures of some of my favourites and why I'm really anticipating her wearing them.
This was a baby gift from my aunt and uncle and it is Rachel's first Polka Dot Piggy Designs bib. Polka Dot Piggy is the company my cousin started and I LOVE her stuff. So I was so excited to get this as a present :) The bib is reversible and the other side is a brown and pink pattern. Yay!
I think this top will be so cute with a pair of jeans. And what you can't see very well in this picture is that the straps are anchored with two brown buttons. Adorable!

This smock is awesome! I love the neckline and tried to get a good picture of the detail to show you but it's not so great. Anyway, I think it would look really cute with a red long-sleeved onesie and jeans underneath. What think you???

Rachel had a denim dress in the 0-3 month age and it was so cute on her. I love this one with the red details. So sweet!

Rachel had a denim dress in the 0-3 month age and it was so cute on her. I love this one with the red details. So sweet!
Okay, imagine these pants with the ruffles on the butt and Miss Rachel crawling away from you. Oh sigh! I might have to squeal with the cute-ness of it all :) And there is a really awesome pink and brown striped onesie that I think I will pair with these pants!

The colour doesn't come through great in this picture but it is a brown and pink ruffled skirt. Again, ruffles! Some pink (but not overkill!)! And a skirt! Again, imagine crawling... :) (And sorry I didn't notice the bright blue tag was showing in the picture until it was uploaded to the computer and I'm too lazy to take another one and upload it.)
Again, I thought this top would be really cute with jeans. Casual yet girly! And spring-y too :)

These two long-sleeved onesies are just some of the many onesies we have for Rachel. The one on the left combines pink, red and orange which is such a bright happy combination that only little kids and flower arrangements can get away with! And the one on the right is pink rosebuds. They are both adorable!

I love Sam and wouldn't trade him for anything. And I really wanted two kids with a boy first because I wanted an older brother. But I'm so happy Miss Rachel ended up being a girl, because let's face it -- girl clothes are way more fun!
And we have been so fortunate to receive so many hand-me-downs from a few friends with girls. We sooooo appreciate them all and are thankful to Marcia, Hannah, Elena and Charlene whom we have received about 95% of Miss Rachel's clothes from. (The other 5% was gifts or things I or my mom bought because we just couldn't resist or things from Sam which were gender neutral.) And seriously, we don't really need to shop for this child until she turns two. And maybe not even then.
And we have been so fortunate to receive so many hand-me-downs from a few friends with girls. We sooooo appreciate them all and are thankful to Marcia, Hannah, Elena and Charlene whom we have received about 95% of Miss Rachel's clothes from. (The other 5% was gifts or things I or my mom bought because we just couldn't resist or things from Sam which were gender neutral.) And seriously, we don't really need to shop for this child until she turns two. And maybe not even then.
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