image from here
What we're eating this week... We've been eating a lot of Goldfish this quarantine for some reason -- pretzel, extreme salt and vinegar, and the new Disney related ones. It's really weird that suddenly Goldfish are our quarantine food.
What I'm reminiscing about... I'm reminiscing about when we could travel. And Rachel's past dance performances. We were supposed to have both of these things in the next few weeks and now we're not and I'm missing them.

Rachel as a gem in Aladdin in her first performance in 2017 * Rachel as a peppermint twist in Mary Poppins in 2018 * Sam as a flying monkey and Rachel as a rainbow in Wizard of Oz in 2019
As for travel, we were supposed to go to California next week to celebrate Dave's cousin's wedding. They have postponed it for now, and while I'm sad we're not going to California, I'm even sadder for them. Hopefully we'll be able to celebrate later...
What I'm loving... All the Coronavirus memes. I could laugh at these all day long!!! What I'm reminiscing about... I'm reminiscing about when we could travel. And Rachel's past dance performances. We were supposed to have both of these things in the next few weeks and now we're not and I'm missing them.
Rachel asks once in awhile if she can bring me a drink from the fridge so I think we're on the right track career wise! Bring me a Corona, sweetie :)
If you're really interested in what we've been up to, I documented a "day in the life of quarantine" which you can read here. I should clarify this was a "good day" where we were able to spend a lot of time outside, which always helps!
online learning * going for a walk
What I'm dreading... We found out earlier this week that our schools are now closed until May 31. Our official last day of school is June 25 so it's possible we'll be able to go back in June, but right now I'm dreading another whole month of this. Can we be done now?
Please hear me here... I don't want to "be done" in the sense of "I don't agree with what is happening" -- I don't want to put people at risk. I just want life to go back to normal because this is hard. No matter our circumstances, this is hard.
Please hear me here... I don't want to "be done" in the sense of "I don't agree with what is happening" -- I don't want to put people at risk. I just want life to go back to normal because this is hard. No matter our circumstances, this is hard.
What I'm excited about... Every single day that is somewhat warm and sunny. We've had a lot of wet, cold days this Spring so on the nice days, we're outside A LOT. I think the kids and I spent six hours outside on Monday.
I'm also excited that, inspired by an Instagram friend, we started a family newspaper. I love seeing the kids' interpretations of our days, or what stood out for them. If you want to read about what's been happening during our quarantine, we each try to write a contribution every day. The KC Post is published every Monday, except for this week :) You can read our latest edition here. Also, KC is our family's last initials, thus we are "The KC Post" of the KC Unified Territories (KCUT, for short).
What I'm watching/reading... Sportsnet has been airing something they call Blue Jays Rewind on the weekends. Every Saturday and Sunday they show an entire Blue Jays game from 2015 and 2016 (the years when the Jays were pretty good.) It's been fun to watch our old favourites (Kevin Pillar, Russell Martin, Marcus Stroman, etc) play together again. Also, we started watching Star Wars with the kids. We've watched the first two (original) movies. That's been fun!
This is from Opening Day 2019, but this is my view almost
every Saturday and Sunday at 4pm during quarantine.
What I'm listening to... My family. All. The. Time. Does anyone else just want their family to go away for a few hours? Yeah, me too :) Also, when the weather is nice, we hear a lot of birds outside which is so lovely!
What I'm wearing... I'm so excited that it's warmed up enough that I can wear one of my favourite Spring outfits -- my yoga capris, shoes without socks, and a sweatshirt. It's so lovely. We can sometimes leave the house without jackets. Did I mention we're excited about the warmer weather!?!
What I'm looking forward to next month... Honestly, I already know that we'll still be in quarantine for at least another month, so it's hard to find things to look forward to. However, I'm definitely looking forward to being able to spend more time outside as the weather gets even better around here. And maybe by next What's Up Wednesday, we'll have some hope about how/when this will all end... Maybe.What I'm wearing... I'm so excited that it's warmed up enough that I can wear one of my favourite Spring outfits -- my yoga capris, shoes without socks, and a sweatshirt. It's so lovely. We can sometimes leave the house without jackets. Did I mention we're excited about the warmer weather!?!
We're wearing a mix of stuff, but I'm sporting one of my favourite Spring outfits in the picture on the left. Sam pulled out the shorts the other day, but I think he was a little premature!
What I'm doing this weekend... It's my birthday on Saturday so I'll be having a low-key day with some reading, some baseball watching, and a physically/socially distant visit with my best friend and her family who I haven't seen in person since this all started. I'm so excited!!!
What else is new... My husband and I started this blog in June 2007 as we were preparing to move across the country for my husband to attend grad school. Eventually it turned into a family blog and today is my 2000th post! What the what?!?!? Never did I imagine that this blog would be going strong thirteen years later. It's almost died a few times (end of 2016, end of 2017) but it keeps coming back.
I have had the chance to form some really great blogging friendships through the years and have been able to meet some of my blog friends in person, which has been amazing! And during this time of quarantine, a couple of blog friends and I have had a Zoom happy hour, with another one in the works. Hey -- if we're having virtual happy hours with out IRL friends, why not with our blog friends as well!
So anyway, thanks for reading one (or all!) of my 2,000 posts and being a part of my blogging life. I'm so thankful for my blogging community.