Last weekend, we went to Sandbanks Provincial Park (a couple of hours east of Toronto, in Prince Edward County) for a visit with Dave's extended family. Dave's parents, sister, niece, aunt, uncle and grandpa were all gathering for the weekend, and we were glad for the opportunity to join in on the get-together.
After driving for most of the late afternoon and evening, we arrived at our B&B in Bloomfield. The area has a strong Loyalist history (people who fled to what was then British North America following the American Revolution), hence the Union Jack flying from the porch.
Unfortunately, after a brief evening visit with Dave's extended family on Friday night, Rachel came down with what turned out (after a quick trip to a nearby ER) to be an ear infection. This meant that our plans for Saturday morning changed a bit, and so Natasha, Dave and Rachel went into Picton to get some medication, while Sam headed off to the beach with the rest of the crowd.
The positive side of this was that we had a low-key morning, which included hanging out at a coffee shop and checking out a nearby farmer's market.
The coffee shop that we found in Picton, right around the corner from the drug store
Natasha enjoying her drink
Dave with a coffee and a real Montreal bagel! Mmmmm...
Rachel was feeling a bit better, and enjoyed exploring the coffee shop
The farmer's market, facing the main street.
More of the market, facing the lake.
Two of the highlights of the farmer's market were a jazz band that was playing (as part of a local jazz festival) and a park that stretched right out to the lake.
Old-timey jazz band, complete with trombone and banjo!
Natasha and Rachel, looking out across the lake.
Next, it was time to meet up with everyone for lunch. I didn't actually get any pictures of us all eating together, so here are some cute pictures of Rachel waiting for everyone else to arrive.
Another unexpected highlight of the trip was stumbling upon a garden that a local couple had created in their backyard, and then opened up to the public in order to raise funds for multiple sclerosis research.
This was the sign that caught Natasha's eye...
... and this was the view we were greeted with when we walked around to the back.
It really was an impressive garden!
Finally, we met up with the rest of the extended family, and squeezed in a quick playground trip before heading off for dinner at Dave's Roadhouse. Again, there aren't any mealtime pictures, but here are a few snapshots of our time at the playground.
Rachel having fun in the swing
Sam and his cousin Lily
Sam, Natasha, Rachel, Lily, Dave's sister, Sarah, and his dad, Bob
Sarah, Lily, Sam, Dave's aunt Bobbi and Rachel on the swings
A closer shot of Bobbi and Rachel
Stay tuned tomorrow for more of the Sandbanks trip, including an actual trip to the beach!