Sam was jumping on the futon (while it was folded out into a bed) the other day and throwing random toys off of it.
Dave: Sam, why are you doing that?
Sam: It goes with my song.
Dave: Sam, what song are you singing?
Me (under my breath): The "I'm throwing toys off the couch" song.
Sam (after about two seconds of thought): Two little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off (flings a block) and bumped his head.
Dave and I: breaking down into hysterical laughter.
Then I videoed it for your enjoyment! (And yes, we're a little causal here on
And this post was for those of you who check our blog every five hours (my mom!) waiting for a new post :) Love you Mom!
Awww, I love their creative little minds! I think that was a great rendition! I have a video of Evan doing that song with motions as a toddler. :-)