Since most of you have not had a chance to visit us yet, we wanted to take you on a virtual house tour. We hope it entices you to come visit us soon!
We live in the front part of a duplex. We love our house. This is our house this past Sunday, after it snowed. We have a nice tree and a great parking spot for you. See, it's right in front. The window on your left is the office and the window on the right is the living room.

Come on inside. This is our front entry.

And to show you you're in Edmonton we have an Oilers hockey player that Dave drew when he was five. It seemed appropriate, somehow, to hang it in our new place!

You can have a seat in our living room...

... and look down the hall towards the kitchen.

Or you can see Dave working in the office and admire our collection of pictures. (The ceramic fish around our thermostat hung in Natasha's Ewert grandparents' house for many years and she is thrilled to be able to give them a new home.)

For some reason Dave is working at Natasha's desk in the office, instead of his own.

Here is our overstuffed bookshelf, and our cozy reading nook -- it is technically a closet but who can tell. In this picture you can also see Natasha's violin (which we both use) under the shelves, and Dave's guitar by the chair. You can also see evidence of Friends and Seinfeld episodes on DVD, our main form of mindless, but funny, entertainment.

This is the view to our kitchen. We like our kitchen and do a fair bit of cooking here.

The shelf that was to the left of the last picture lived in this part of the kitchen until Saturday night. Due to lack of counter space, and absolutely no drawers, we bought a kitchen island which Dave put together on Saturday.

Now our kitchen has more counter space and drawers for the cutlery to live in. We also reorganized all our food. We have been unintentionally feeding a mouse. He seems to really like chocolate. So now our kitchen is more mouse-proof than it was, and we are less likely to have things fall on our heads from the cupboards. Note particulary the clock Dave made when he was 12 years old is hanging on our wall and it still works!

This is our fish-filled bathroom. No live ones yet. The colour is a light purple; it was the most random colour we chose and we both really like how it turned out.

This is our bedroom. There usually isn't laundry on the bed to be put away, but there are always books on the night table. Note the pictures of our younger selves hanging above our heads. We are actually around the same ages in these pictures, and in similar positions -- lying on the floor with a rattle. A strange sort of symmetry.

This is mostly a picture of our closet but you can also see one of the plastic drawer units we have to help with the space issue -- we have more clothes than we have space to put them. You can also glimpse the hallway on the right which is basically a spot for three doorways to open to -- our bedroom, the bathroom and the kitchen.

Between the living room and kitchen walls are the steps heading down to the basement. Eventually we will paint in the basement, too, but it just wasn't a priority in August.

And this our guest room and, sometimes, laundry drying room. We have a lovely bed for you to sleep on. My dad and Dave even sawed the box spring in half to get it down the narrow stairwell. (Don't worry, they put it back together too!) At some point we are planning on painting the wood paneling so it feels a little less seventies. But we've heard it's a pleasant place to sleep.

And that is the tour of our house. We hope you can come and see it in person sometime. We even planted bulbs a few weekends ago, so if you come in the Spring you might get to see tulips, crocuses and freesia in bloom.
Some random pictures of us planting some of our flowerbeds: