Thursday, March 31, 2022
Monthly Musings: Easter/Spring
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
What's Up Wednesday: March 2022

What I'm loving... I'm loving my new position! In case you missed it, I got hired as a Temporary Head Secretary at a school just a twenty minute walk from our house. (You can read more about it here.) Even though I'm still figuring things out, I'm loving the responsibility and the people and the work.

What I'm looking forward to next month... Canstruction is supposed to be back in person and I'm sooooo excited to go see it again!!! You can read more about Canstruction here. Also, I'm looking forward to in person Easter services.
What else is new... Did I mention Sam is 13 today?!?!? I think that's really about it :)
Thanks for reading and tell me -- is it Spring where you live or are you desperately hoping to say good-bye to Winter soon too?
Sunday, March 27, 2022
I Spy 2022: Week 12 (Week 64)
Phew! What a week! My parents left after a two month stint of being our neighbours, the kids went back to school after March Break, I started a new full-time position at a different school, we had an ice day, and there were also all the "normal" happenings of life in there -- play dates, dance, Jr Youth events, mid-week church gathering... Oh, and I worked yesterday.
I was feeling bad that I didn't get my "I Spy" post up for yesterday but reading the above paragraph, I now know why I didn't :) As always, I'm linking up with Lysha at at A Camera and A Cookbook.
I thought the railways tracks, the brick wall, and the path were all nicely "lined" up in this picture. This is now my walk to work and I LOVE it!
The city got an artist to create banners to hang on the lamp posts on one part of the path near uptown. Dave and I walked to the library on Friday and were looking for something "spiral" to photograph for this prompt. We saw this piece of art and spent a long while debating if the spiral was intentional or graffiti. Since the spiral was exactly duplicated on the other side, we eventually decided it was intentional and then spent some time discussing why it was added to the piece.
I "spotted" this community chalkboard on my walk to work and the wisdom on it was something I desperately needed to be reminded of. Sadly, we've returned to cold temperatures and snow these past few days. Spring, WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!?!?!
A mocha from my principal and a doughnut from the staff room were exactly what the doctor "ordered" for the first Friday of my first week. This was such a surprising pick me up on Friday morning.
{your choice}
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
"Yes" To New York City
Today I'm talking all about our first day in New York City. We hadn't been to New York since January of 2019 and we were so excited to be back. We also made this a bit of a "yes" day and did some fun things we wouldn't normally do.
We took the train from Dave's cousin's apartment where we were staying into the city and arrived at Grand Central Station. Thus, our first stop was Zaro's, a bakery at Grand Central. We love their chocolate croissants and I got a cafe mocha.