It's already the first Wednesday in March so it's time to link up with Anne at in residence, and everyone else, for "Currently." I found some of the prompts hard this time so sorry if my answers are a little lame :)

I am really "craving" spring. Bring on all the warm(er) weather, all the snow melting, all the longer days, and all the walking. Oh, and bring on all the laundry hanging and reading outside and bare feet. I LOVE spring.
Lately, I've been "picturing" where I might go with my job. I am currently a second secretary at an elementary school which means I work with a head secretary. I think I'd like to be a head secretary at a small elementary school which means I would (in all likelihood) be the only secretary and have more responsibilities. I don't know if I'd be good at managing another person so I don't think I'd want to be a head secretary with another secretary (or two) working with me. So I'm starting to picture my path to get to my goal.
Rachel has been "playing" with puzzles a lot lately, with a little bit of help from me. Our play room is overrun by them! And Dave has been "playing" guitar in preparation for a concert he's involved in at church on Friday night.
Honestly, I'm "wishing" it was next week at this time! There are a few things which are in limbo for me right now and I am not good at limbo. By next week Wednesday I should have much more certainty about these things and I will feel much more settled. Also, next Wednesday is my last day of work before March Break, and being off for over a week, so I'm really ready for it to get here!!!
So that's what up with me "currently." I feel like I'm much more hopeful than I've been for a few months and it's a great place to be. I really enjoy reading all your "currently" posts so I'm looking forward to doing that over the next few days. Until then, Happy (Almost) Spring!!!
So glad to hear things feel more hopeful for you and the sunshine and getting outside helps! I hope you get some clarity on your job and enjoy your upcoming break! Enjoy your day!
ReplyDeleteThe picture of you reading with the laundry in the background is so nice! I hate limbo too. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHere's to getting to the spring happy place soon!! You do look quite content in that photo:) And hooray for spring break right around the corner!!
ReplyDeleteI bet you would rock being the head secretary!!
ReplyDeleteHope you find the perfect job for you! And that meme is hilarious because it's so true! I hate getting rid of a good box. haha
ReplyDeleteLauren @
I can feel spring in the air, it's so close (aside from the temperatures for tomorrow), but the longer days are starting (like your Insta post this morning).
ReplyDeleteI thought you did great with the prompts! And YES ready for spring and spring break!!
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait to sit outside barefoot with a good book!
ReplyDeleteJill - Doused in Pink
best wishes as you work towards a job that's an even better fit for you!
ReplyDeleteHope this week allows you to get settled! I am craving Spring too-real bad- can't wait for sunshine, warmth, being outside and tulips of course :)