I can't believe we're already at the last Wednesday in February. We still have almost a week of February left! I guess that's what happens when the shortest month of the year ends on a Tuesday.
As always on the last Wednesday of the month, I'm linking up with Shay at Mix and Match Mama and Sheaffer at Sheaffer Told Me Too for this post.
What we're eating this week... Sadly, I was sick most of last week so this week we've been working on getting back to healthier meals. When I was sick, Dave and the kids ate a lot of take out! We had a sausage and veggie bake on Saturday night and homemade pizza on Monday night.
What I'm reminiscing about... Last winter my parents were our neighbours for a few months. I really miss having them live a few doors down from us. It was so nice to stop in after work for a quick visit, to enjoy pizza nights with them, and just have them so much closer for a bit. I wish they were our neighbours again instead of living three provinces away.
What I'm loving... Our midweek church program has been back to normal this winter. We have the full program running again and I love it!!! I love getting to visit with my friends midweek, I love not having to worry about dinner one night a week, I love seeing the energy of all the kids -- it just makes me soooo happy!!!
Also, we've been able to open our windows a few times this month and I love that!!! Even though we shouldn't be experiencing spring-like weather, I'm very excited about it!
What we've been up to... February has felt like such a mixed up month. I was sick so spent most of four days in bed, Dave had a bad cold which also knocked him for a loop, Valentine's Day passed with very little marking it (neither kid handed out cards and Rachel only got one as only one kid in her class handed them out), we've been inside a lot, and our weather has been very weird. It hasn't really felt like a regular February, that's for sure.
Rachel and I did go out for a special Afternoon Tea. Dave and I gifted the kids experiences this year for Christmas, rather than gifts, and a teatime with me was one of Rachel's experiences. We had a really fun and delicious afternoon a few days ago.

Rachel's experience with Dave was rock climbing and they also did that this past weekend.

We also cleaned quite a few rooms in our house a few days ago and went for a walk to the library. Did I mention it's been really exciting around here?!?!?

What I'm dreading... I was in our backyard a few days ago and I noticed that some of my flowers are starting to peek up above the ground. I'm dreading that we're going to get a bout of colder weather (which would not be unexpected at all) and that all the flowers popping up are going to freeze. Sadness. Here's hoping they survive whatever cold might be coming our way still...
Don't die in our freezing rain coming tonight little spears of green.
What I'm working on... Making summer plans. It's only February but we're trying to sort out our summer plans. A few special people are coming to Ontario and we want to make sure to make time for them, I'm trying to sort out what the kids are doing, and we're trying to figure out some potential trips. It's kind of crazy how far in advance we have to plan summer...
What I'm excited about... MARCH BREAK!!! I'm excited about time off work and I'm excited about the vacation we have planned!!! Also, Spring Training (for MLB) starts this weekend and I'm so excited baseball will be back!!!!!!!
What I'm watching/reading... We have yet another "special weather statement" for tonight into tomorrow. They're calling for freezing rain (again) and just generally yucky weather. About once every two weeks these past couple of months we've had weather bad enough to cancel buses but not bad enough to close the schools. Since my school is a bus-dependent school, it's a total pain. We have about 25% of the students show up and it's just a day of chaos. So yeah, I'm watching the weather...
As for reading, I've been getting a lot of reading done lately. I'm (unofficially) participating in the Decades Reading Challenge (see more about this challenge
here) and this month we've been reading books from the 1900s-1910s. I really enjoy books from this time period. I've read a few which have been set in New York City museums/libraries, and now I just want to go back to New York!
What I'm listening to... I can't think of what sounds define this month. That's a little sad but I really haven't been listening to much... Starting this weekend though, I'll be listening to baseball and I'm SO HAPPY about that!!!
What I'm wearing... I basically wore pajamas for a week and other than that I've been wearing work clothes. I'm really not wearing too much interesting around here. Today, I will be wearing a pink shirt for Pink Shirt Day. This is an anti-bullying day focused on schools and you can read more about it
Left: I also wore my new Converse to go for a walk this past weekend.
What I'm doing this weekend... We're hosting Dave's parents for Shabbat on Friday, Sam has badminton, Rachel has dance, and hopefully I'll be listening to a Blue Jays Spring Training game (or two!). Also, Sam's experience with me is to go to a sports bar, watch a game, and eat nachos so we might try to fit that in this weekend.
What I'm looking forward to next month... Our March Break trip!!! We're meeting up with some blog friends (YYYYYAAAAAAYYYY!!!), fulfilling a bucket list item for me, and seeing our best friends in a super fun place. It's going to be an exciting week!!!
The countdown (with active numbers) which Rachel made for our March Break trip.
Only fifteen days left to go, as of today!!!
What I bought on Amazon... We actually bought some things on Amazon this month. I am trying to expand my festive spatula collection so we bought the exciting Hawaiian print ones as well as the taco themed ones. Rachel especially loves the taco ones.
What else is new... I don't think there's anything else to share. We're just hanging on until March Break over here! Hahaha!
Thank you for stopping by and tell me -- am I the only person who's excited Spring Training is starting?!?!? Do I need more excitement in my life?! (Don't answer that!)