Tuesday, February 28, 2023

I Spy 2023: Week 8

It's time for another edition of "I Spy" and I should probably apologize but, be warned, this edition is all about our very weird weather. It's just been a very very very strange winter, weather wise. One day we have spring like temperatures, and the next day, winter hits with a vengeance. Today, for instance, the buses are cancelled for the third (or fourth?) time since Winter Break, which means my school will be at less than 25% attendance and Sam will be staying home.

Let's Play iSpy 2022 

backyard – Quarterly

On the left, is our "back yard" last Tuesday and then the right is our back yard on Thursday. So yeah, 48 hours apart, two completely different pictures. Last night we had more ice pellets so there's even more white back there today.

across the street

This is what it looked like "across the street" as the rest of my family was shovelling/scraping the car off after our ice/snow storm on Thursday morning. It's lovely that everyone can pitch in now when it comes to winter weather clean up. PS. If you want to play "Where's Waldo?", I see at least four shovels in this picture!

starts with L

While I don't sit under them in winter, my solar Lights "start with l" and bring me joy, even in this season. Bonus: they are a fun science experiment too as they go on later, and stay on longer, as the light increases every day!!!


Our weather has been insane and we never know what to expect "next" these days. This was the snow blowing around as it fell yesterday afternoon. We felt like we were living in a snow globe.

choose anything – Monthly – same vantage point

Here is our dining room decorated for Valentine's Day. Rachel made the paper chain which takes up the bulk of the decorating, we have the festive tablecloth on the table, there are three bouquets of tulips, and because Dave and I were so sick, the Covid tests are sitting on the Hoosier cupboard for easy access. Whew -- what a month February was! 

*week 60 of Lysha's challenge prompts. See her post here.


  1. Our weather has been much the same-- we were hiking through the dead leaves yesterday and woke up to a good 5 or 6 inches today and it's still snowing. My understanding is that by Thursday it's supposed to be near 50 and rainy so the snow will all but disappear.

  2. We are buried in snow again too here- I know I shouldn't complain as it has been a mild winter but please bring Spring!!!!

  3. The weather has been so wacky lately!!

  4. Both snowstorms, the snow came down so quickly! It's nice to have helpers! I think we're getting another 10-15 cm on Friday.

  5. We hardly got any snow this year. If it snows now, it's just too late in the season!

  6. My sister in Ontario was telling me about the blowing snow yesterday with more to come later in the week.

  7. Interesting to hear the weather can be so crazy in Canada too!

  8. Also in Germany we have crazy weather;)


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