Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Currently: March 2023

Hello March! You are the month of many birthdays in our family, the month of March Break, the month of "winter might be starting to loosen its grip," the month of more light, the month that baseball is officially in full swing (I LOVE seeing the Jays' starting lineup pop up on my phone every day!!!), and just a month that generally tends to bring a little more warmth and hope back into my life. And since today is the first Wednesday in March, it's also time for another month of "Currently" with Jennifer at Overflowing With Thankfulness.


I am "loving" that Rachel is baking delicious muffins on her own! I helped her figure out the recipe last Thursday, on our snow day (which I was also loving), and then earlier this week, she baked another batch entirely on her own. YAY for another muffin baker in the house!


I'm "starting" to get really excited about March Break and our vacation! Every morning, Dave and I sit on the couch, drink our coffee, and talk about how many more days until we're on vacation (eight, as of today)!


I'm "finishing" the decades of 1900s-1910s in the Decade Reading Challenge and moving into the 1920s. I have to admit, I haven't read many books set in the 1920s so I'm looking forward to discovering this decade in March. I've written about this reading challenge before, but for those of you who haven't heard about it, you can read more about it here.


Well, as I mentioned in my post yesterday (which you can read here), our weather has been crazy -- it's spring like one day and ice pellets the next and then really cold the next day. It makes my head spin "trying" to figure out what to expect from one day to the next.

[(where we're ) going]

Well, "(where we're) going" is south to warmer temperatures but still within driving distance (sort of!). However, we'll also be driving through a few seasons so we need winter clothing and summer clothing -- packing will be this weekend's fun adventure.

I apologize that this edition of "currently" is a little "upcoming vacation" focused, but honestly, it's a good reflection of where my mind currently is -- halfway to being on vacation but trying to keep focused on work when I'm there. I'll catch up with what's up with all of you "currently" over the next few days.


  1. I don't blame you on your vaca focus at is one of the ways I am getting through winter here! Can't wait to read all about your trip!

  2. Can't wait to see where you go on your trip!

  3. It's fun to be focused on vacation!

  4. That is fun your daughter is baking and that's great you have a vacation coming up soon!

  5. I read this post while sitting on the couch, drinking coffee, and staying warm under that blanket... it was like looking in a mirror :)

  6. Totally understandable that it's all upcoming vacation themed-- that's exciting!!

  7. So exciting to be anticipating vacation and travel! Hope you have a wonderful time!

  8. The independence that kids gain as they get older is the best! Love when they start doing these without you having to direct them is the best!

  9. Yay for upcoming vacations! I can't believe it's March; part of me feels like it was just Christmas/New Year's and another part definitely wants a vacation.

  10. I wish I had an upcoming vacation to look forward to! LOL I hope you have a lovely time.

    Lauren @

  11. Yeah for muffins! I need another muffin maker at my house (although that could get dangerous....I never say no to a muffin)!


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