So there are a few random things I want to remember so I'm writing a post about them to help me.
First of all, as of Friday, August 19, 2011, our kids are no longer in cloth diapers :( Sadly, after we got back from Saskatoon both kids were peeing through on a fairly regular basis and going through numerous outfits a day. We talked with friends of ours and they said that cloth diapers eventually didn't work for their kids either AND that Edmonton is one of the few cities which actually composts disposable diapers. And we were going to go to disposables when we move back to KW too so it's not that far off. Anyway I am sad to say good-bye to the cloth diaper era of our life.

Sam says some pretty neat/funny/observant things and I want to remember them.
1) Good morning Cat-Bobs! (Greeting the Bobcats outside of our hotel room in Regina in July)
2) There's the walking-man! (Traffic light for crossing the street)
3) I'M. ALL. DONE.
4) I want it "bi-i-i-ig." (ie. Don't cut it smaller!)
5) Speaking to Baby Rachel in his high, squeaky voice.
6) There was a car crash. (See below. I think this comes from Richard Scary's Cars and Trucks and Things That Go)
7) I got a goal! I'm playing in The Stanley Cup for Vancouver!

I think that's all for now but Man! Is he going through a cute stage, or what?!?! Below he is proudly showing off his "Awesome Big Brother" sticker from Alissa. He loves it! And I've figured out how to carry clean laundry and Miss Rachel at the same time! Ha!

This morning I heard Rachel fussing and when I looked to see what was wrong I saw this:

Sam decided she needed some of her stuffed animals. Rachel was not impressed. I think maybe she was a little freaked out.
Sam is no longer in his high chair. Sadly, we didn't get a picture of him eating his first meal in his booster seat but we did get a picture of the second one he ate there. He has been doing really well with this transition. Now to get rid of the soothers and diapers...

And before Rachel was born, Hannah, Elena and Marcia knew we were having a girl and gave us a whole bunch of clothes for her. As I sorted, washed and folded all these sweet clothes I imagined Rachel wearing certain outfits and what she would look like. The outfit below is one that I fell in love with immediately and couldn't wait for her to wear. Sadly, it isn't the greatest picture but it is a totally cute and frilly pink one piece outfit. I LOVE it on her!
And that's the end of Random Things for today!