On Friday it was not me who dressed our daughter in an outfit with a matching beret and then I did not squeal from how cute she looked. My husband and I did not declare "We have the cutest children EVER!" and then grin proudly because obviously there are cuter children out there somewhere. Maybe.
And then of course we did not take 142 pictures of Rachel in her outfit! Not us!
And yesterday I did not abandon my children and husband for a few hours so I could take a really long shower and read magazines. Not me! When my husband is home we always take care of our children together and squeeze out every ounce of family togetherness time we can.

And last night we did not start to do cry-it-out with our five-month-old. Not us! She has been sleeping perfectly wonderfully so why would we do this? She has not been staying up until midnight or 1am leading us to desperate measures. And if we were to do cry-it-out we would not have been staring at the timer willing it to beep so that we could go in and comfort her. We are totally committed to having our daughter sleep well and her 43 1/2 minutes of screaming was a joy and a pleasure to us.
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