Sam was still very surprised when he saw them walking up the front walk though! That night Oma put Rachel and Sam to bed and we had baked beans and an awesome salad with romaine, feta cheese, pear and orange. Yum yum yum!
Yesterday, Tuesday, we went shopping. Costco, IKEA, and on the lookout for a holiday outfit for Sam. The last was the hardest to find. We did end up finding something really cute, even if it is a size FOUR! Why are all the size 2T/3T nice clothes not stocked???
Anyways, in the morning Mom was looking at our over-crowded front entry and said, "Wouldn't it be great to have shelves here? With baskets for things?" Yes! Yes! Double Yes!
So Sam and Opa went to Home Depot and found shelf-building materials and a little measuring, sawing, and screwing-in-boards later and we had shelves! I found great baskets at IKEA and our front entry is now new and improved. Thanks Sam and Opa!
This morning Sam modeled his new holiday clothes. All we need to do is add some pants (which we have) and he is set!
After the modeling, we went for a walk to the library and to Planet Organic and then we came home and had Kraft Dinner with tuna and peas.
Oma then put Rachel down for her nap and Opa put Sam down for his and then they went home. It was a quick but good visit. And we'll see them in a few weeks for Christmas! Yay!
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