9:45am: I woke up Rachel and nursed her. At 10:00 I jumped in the shower while Dave got Rachel dressed and made me two pieces of toast with strawberry jam for breakfast.
10:30am: We got in the car and stopped at Tim Horton's on Whyte and 106th St. They screwed up our order so we left being not very impressed. However, Sam enjoyed his Timbits and I did get my coffee/hot chocolate.
11:20am: We arrived at Galaxyland at West Edmonton Mall. Sam and Rachel went on the merry-go-round and in the fire truck. Sam went on the motorcycles. Rachel and I went to pick up photo albums from Black's and more place mats at Dollarama and Dave and Sam played in the play park which has a ball pit. Rachel and I joined Sam and Dave in the play park. Sadly, the rules of the Toddler Area were not being enforced (only kids up to three years old with adult supervision) so it was frustrating for me to have Rachel in there for long. There were older kids playing quite roughly. Sam had fun at the play park though.
1:20pm: We left the mall. Rachel fell asleep on the way home. When we got home I showed Sam the stump from yesterday. in the daylight. Sam and Dave had lunch while I transferred Rachel from her car seat to her Moses Basket and nursed her. I started to eat lunch and check computer stuff but Rachel woke up at 2:20 or so. Dave put Sam down for nap. Then he rocked Rachel back to sleep while I finished lunch.
2:45pm: I searched for possibilities for our potential vacation in February. I also ate chips and dip and read some blogs.
3:45pm: Rachel woke up screaming. I nursed her for a bit. She seemed to be in pain again -- gas or teeth. At 4:00 I had my afternoon Coke while trying to distract Rachel. I nursed Rachel, read a bunch (a book and on blogs), was tired and let Dave do a lot of stuff with the kids while I did nothing. At some point during this chunk of time we gave Rachel a colic tablet and also a dose of Advil. It really seemed to help.
5:45pm: I put Rachel down in her Moses Basket to hang out and at 6:20 I noticed she'd fallen asleep. Dave made supper tonight and at 6:30 we sat down to eat. We had Maui Wowie Chicken from LooneySpoons where we substituted the chicken for tofu and it was AWESOME. Sam ate tons of the pineapple and tofu. This recipe is also a keeper.
6:50pm: We'd finished supper and were waiting for Marcia and Olivia to come by to drop off some things and have a brief visit. Dave and Sam read a book and I went through our photo albums to do some work on upcoming holiday presents.
7:10pm: Marcia and Olivia arrived bearing cookies! Sam and Olivia played and Marcia, Dave and I talked and made some plans for this coming week. Around 7:35 Marcia and Olivia left and we ate their awesome cookies. Yum yum yum!
7:40pm: Rachel woke up and nursed. Sam played with the lid on his water bottle (on and off, drink, on and off, drink, repeat) until he spilled it on himself.
8:15pm: Rachel was in her pajamas and Sam was peeing on the potty while I ran his tub. I washed him quickly and by 8:25 he was playing in the tub and I started dishes. Dave was cleaning up from Sam and Olivia's playing and Rachel was hanging out in the swing and talking.
8:45pm: I had dishes mostly done and I got Sam out of the bath, dried off and changed into pajamas. Then we looked at pictures from the day and I put him to bed.
9:00pm: I finished the last few dishes, uploaded pictures for this post, and finished writing it. Now I'm going to read my book in bed and hang out with a fussy Rachel. Hopefully she sleeps better tonight than she did last night. We shall see...
I forgot to add that normally on Fridays Sam has Kindermusik and this term Olivia and Saige are in his class so that keeps us busy on Friday mornings. Because today was a holiday we didn't have class obviously. Sadly, the Kindermusik business we have been a part of since Sam was five months old is closing at the end of November so we are currently trying to figure out what to do -- not do Kindermusik until we move to KW or go somewhere else in Edmonton.
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