Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Yesterday we had a high of -13C (8.6F) with a windchill of -24C (-11.2F).
Sam wisely spent the day in his polar bear fleece pajamas with feet. And ate popsicles.
Yep, you read (and saw) that right. He ate popsicles.
I drank copious amounts of hot tea. To each their own. I guess.


  1. Ahhhh!!! Popsicles??! Miserable! That temperature sounds downright cruel. Haven't you ever heard of hopping on a plane to the Caribbean to escape inhumane conditions such as that?? :)

  2. Yikes! Brrr is right! You can keep it. Come south for a visit. I shudder to think what your heating bill must be although Canada is still probably cheaper than US. Our energy costs are ridiculous! Anyway, everyone knows polar bears love popsicles although I think theirs are fish flavored. ;-). Reminds me of a cute kids song that used to come on one of our preschool channels called "I want to be a polar bear.". The video is cute if you can find it on YouTube.


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