Thursday, December 19, 2013

Only In Saskatchewan

Only in Saskatchewan do I read my friend, Erika's, blog post about her birthday breakfast and realize that her blimmies are my beloved pflinzen. And then my mom makes them for us for breakfast not one, but TWO, mornings in a row. Yay Mom!!! And yes, I eat them with corn syrup and white sugar.
Only in Saskatchewan do I get time to paint my own toenails (for the first time since August, mind you), and not only that, but Rachel gets her toenails painted for the first time ever!

Only in Saskatchewan do Sam and Rachel get to ride in the big tractor with Opa and clear snow off the driveway.

Only in Saskatchewan do we get to look at all the calendars we've made for Oma and Opa through the years, including the calendar for 2014 which only arrived on the last day we were there. Whew.
Only in Saskatchewan do Sam and Opa grind kamut to make flour and then use that flour to make fresh pasta for supper.
Only in Saskatchewan do we read an article about Canadian cold weather jackets becoming fashion statements in Japan (Unfortunately I can't find the link to the article. Dad, if you're reading, can you help me out???) and then my dad pulls his out of the closet to demonstrate how ridiculously warm, and unfashionable, these things are. They are survival jackets people. They ask for your blood type as basic information.
But most importantly, it's only in Saskatchewan (and Ontario sometimes!), where we get to spend so much time with Oma and Opa. And we can't wait until we can do it again!


  1. Your visits home to see your parents sound way more relaxing and fun than mine do :) I love my parents, but it's always chaos when we stay with them (probably because we have a big family and the house is often a little too full) and we never get much sleep thanks to the kids and dogs.

  2. You all always seem to have so much fun there! (And we just got our calendars ordered last night. Sorry, grandparents.)

  3. I think I"m going to suggest that my parents move to Saskatatatatatatatatachewan. It seems pretty awesome. But needing your BLOOD TYPE in your jacket??! That's a bit much!!!

  4. I am just in LOVE with your parents' gorgeous house! Every time you do one of these posts showing pictures of that house, I am so envious! Haha! Please tell them I have serious house (and snow) envy...and grandparents envy too! I really want them to adopt me too...then we'd be real sisters. Wouldn't that be the most awesome thing ever! :-) Are the "blimmies/pflinzen" like crêpes?

  5. Yes, what are the blimmies/pfinzen??? I've never heard of those. =) I love that ya'll enjoyed the time with your parents so much!


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