Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hour 18: Another Readathon Update

Well, I've been reading, more or less, for eighteen hours thus far. I'm still not finished The Interestings, but I only have 40 pages left. I told Dave that, sadly, I feel like that book has ruined the readathon for me. It's just been a slog which is not good. However, I did have great break from reading "my" books to read to the kids:
I chose "Read Me A Book" by Barbara Reid to get us started. I love the top right picture because it's obviously an action shot of me reading. Ha ha ha!!! (I might be starting to get just a wee bit tired.)
And "Goodnight Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown is a classic. Then I finished off with "Goodnight, Canada" by Andrea Beck which has become a classic in our house.

Here's my readathon by the numbers thus far:

Books read: 2 (plus 7 kids' books)
Pages read: 970 (plus 109 pages of the kids' books)
Cups of coffee-hot chocolate: 2
Glasses of half iced tea/half lemonade: 3
Bottles of water (750ml): 3
Cans of Coke: 2
Walks around the block: 1
This was me reading around midnight. Now I'm going back to The Interestings (or "The UNInterestings" as I've been calling it.) I'm going to finish it, finish The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, and start something new! Whooo hooo!!!

And I probably need more caffeine as it's 2:19am and I have five and a half hours of reading left. Yay?!

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