Monday, June 24, 2013

Sam The Incredible!

Meet Sam. He's our newest super-hero. He wears fleece winter gear when it 30C (88F) outside. He resists bedtime like nobody's business and... he kept his underwear dry for ELEVEN HOURS yesterday!!!!! But he can't stay to chat because he's gotta go...
...go pee, that is :) Ladies and gentlemen, the amazing toilet-trained* Sam!!!

*Day only, just pee, not necessarily true when we leave our house. (We'll take what we can get.)


  1. Amazing! I loved reading about the whole weekend. Sounds like an adventure.

  2. WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! We'll celebrate that! (If you only knew how many of my friends turned in "please pray about the pee" requests to me over the years...I know how to celebrate some pee!)

    1. You can keep us on your "praying about pee" list for sure but we are definitely getting closer :) And then it will be Rachel's turn. In about ten years! Ha ha ha!!!

  3. wHOOP whoop :) Yay for you! (and Sam!!...but we all know you are throwing a bigger party than him...haha :) I, on the other hand, had to buy a pack of pull-ups again after THREE nights in a row with accidents after like 102 nights of no accidents. What in the world. When do y'all take your plane ride?? I keep thinking about that....can't wait to hear about those adventures!! ;)

    1. Okay, I'm replying to comments so late that it hardly seems worth it but I am anal and obsessive so here you go! And I don't even know if you'll read this. Ah well...

      I am definitely throwing a bigger party than Sam. And we've been on our plane ride and hopefully I've been doing an okay job of keeping up with our adventures out west!


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