Monday, May 05, 2014

Project 364: Days 116 Through 122

My posts might be a little late these days but my Project 364 is still going strong :)

April 27, 2014 -- Rachel made me laugh so hard as she tried to prop her face in her hands while we were waiting for our lunch.
April 28, 2014 -- I took advantage of a gorgeous day to hang out some laundry -- washing our winter things to be packed away (please don't snow again!!!) and hanging out Rachel's new blanket for her big girl bed. I've been waiting about a year to buy this for her!!!
April 29, 2014 -- We got some new books from our Scholastic order today. We are excited to learn more about Canada as there's a separate book for each province and territory.
April 30, 2014 -- I kept Sam home from school this day so he could enjoy a five hour long play date with these sweet friends who are permanently moving to Kenya in June. I am so happy for them and so sad for us, although we do hope to go visit them. Eventually.
May 1, 2014 -- Six weeks after he got hurt, Dave's arm is finally free from casts, splints, and anything else. I honestly don't know who was happier about this moment -- Dave or me :)
May 2, 2014 -- My birthday wasn't the best day ever (post about that coming tomorrow), but finding this Mother's Day card of a squirrel dancing to "Walking On Sunshine" helped brighten my day a bit. (Really, this should have been a video!)
May 3, 2014 --Technically this picture of my birthday flowers from Dave was taken 26 minutes after May 3 ended but it was that kind of a day -- watching our friends' two kids for about five hours, taking a two hour nap, going out for dinner with Dave's parents and aunt, and then finishing off the evening with taxes. Yay?!?


  1. The squirrel card makes me smile too! I have a cousin who has worked as a missionary in Kenya and other parts of Africa nearly all of her life. She loves the work and the people! I'm sorry that your birthday wasn't the greatest. =( Oh yeah....and a big YAY for Dave getting his cast off! Wo-hoo!!!!

  2. A good week, it seems! The picture of Rachel wins my favorite. ;)

  3. Hooray for a splint and cast free Dave!!

  4. Great pictures and summary of your week...the good and the not so good! Yay for Dave getting his cast off and yay for new books to read...I wouldn't mind "borrowing" those when you are finished! ;-) Boo to friends moving away and a not too great birthday though.


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