Monday, November 13, 2023

Hello Monday & Not Just A Mom: Comfort Foods

Today I'm combining two blog link ups into one post. First of all I'm joining in with "Hello Monday" with Holly, who blogs at Pink Lady, and Sarah, who blogs at Sunshine And Books to talk about my weekend. Then I'm joining in with the Not Just A Mom bloggers (Sarah, Dara, Joanne, Adrienne, Lauren, and Jen) to talk about "comfort foods." (Click on each name to go their blogs.)

I don't know if you remember when I was in Saskatchewan in July, but I had talked with my mom about getting some lilies from her to plant along the fence. (You can see this post here for a reminder.) Well, Mom had sent me a bunch of bulbs in the mail at the end of September and they'd been sitting on our Hoosier cabinet since then. So I started digging the new bed on Friday afternoon. I got about halfway done.
Dave was sick on Friday so the transporting of kids in the evening was all up to me. This is a boring picture unless your tire pressure warning light has been on for a couple of days and you've finally (after stopping at three different gas stations) gotten enough air in your tires to get it to turn off! I picked up Rachel from her friend's house and came home for supper.

Friday night was "scrounge your own supper" around here and I had one of my ultimate comfort foods -- smoked Balderson cheddar on an English muffin. Anything including cheese and carbs rates high at the top of my list when it comes to comfort food! I topped it with quince chutney which my principal had made. It was delicious!
In the evening I had to drive Sam and a friend to a youth event and then pick them up at 9:30. I kept myself awake by finally going through the kids' school papers from last year. This is the pile I kept for each kid and a whole bunch more got recycled. I eventually picked up Sam and his friend and got them both home safely.
My favourite part of the day is crawling into bed with a good book! This was at the late, late hour of 10pm. Usually I'm in bed much earlier on Friday nights :)
Sam didn't go to badminton on Saturday so, after Dave and I dropped Rachel off at Religious School, we went grocery shopping. I hadn't been grocery shopping in a few months so this was a memorable thing :)
I'd gotten a couple of loads of laundry hanging on the line and was back to digging up the rest of the bed for the lilies so I was really happy in this picture!
Rachel requested tuna melts for lunch which is another comfort food for us. I always like mine with processed cheese which is weird but it's soooo good. Comfort food should not necessarily be healthy, in my opinion!
After we dropped Rachel off at dance, we went to the mall to run a few errands. Then we came home and Sam was being silly. It's hard to get good pictures of Sam these days -- I think it must be a teenage boy thing... We had a long conversation with my parents in the afternoon.
Sam and I made supper -- roasted potatoes (another comfort food -- warm, salty, and hearty!), baked salmon, and cheese sticks from the grocery store. We also made a green salad but we didn't eat much of it. I love a salad in summer (when it's definitely a comfort food) but at this time of year I want warm and solid food.
I crawled into bed early with my book as I was tired and sore after all the garden bed digging.
Yesterday morning I got another load of laundry on the line and then spent an hour folding laundry, drinking coffee-hot chocolate, and listening to a podcast. I find laundry folding goes a lot faster when I have something interesting to listen to.
Then I planted the lilies!!! It felt so good to have this off my mental to do list.
Rachel made herself an artistic lunch while Dave and I finished off some yard work outside.

I baked another batch of Applesauce Jumbles in the afternoon. Applesauce Jumbles and cranberry tea are definite comfort foods for me this time of year.

I caught up on some blog reading and then we we ended the weekend by watching two Hallmark Christmas movies -- The Santa Summit and Checkin' It Twice. We ate supper in between the two movies and then it was the end of the weekend.

In terms of other comfort food, anything we bake in our white Corningware tends to be a comfort food for us -- tuna noodle casserole, seven layer dinner, etc. I also love soups and stews at this time of year -- a vegetarian beef stew and cream of carrot-cheddar soup are two of my favourites.

So that was our weekend. As it gets both colder and darker, I am thankful for sunny days and warm food to sustain us.


  1. Some of the best comfort foods around for sure! Hope Dave is feeling better. I am counting down the days for my mom to bring over a big batch of Applesauce Jumbles- little over a week now- cannot wait :)

  2. Wait... is there a badminton club or something??? That sounds SO FUN!!!
    All the cheese in this post makes me so happy

  3. What a fun post! Love the creativity of Rachel's plate.

  4. That sounds like a wonderful weekend... and yep, I love just about anything with cheese and carbs.

  5. Well done with the digging in your garden. What a great weekend.
    That cheese on the muffin looks so good and roast potatoes are pure comfort food. Yum, yum!

  6. Sounds like a good weekend. Hope Dave is is feeling better

  7. Melted cheese on an English muffin used to be my go-to meal when I was in high school and university.
    Well done combining the two posts!

  8. I love tuna melts and any kind of comfort food. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week.

  9. I laughed at AND related to that 10:00 pm is late for a Friday night! Cheese is always a good idea and a comfort food :).

  10. That artistic lunch is so cute!

    Lauren @ Don't Mind Our Mess


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)