Thursday, November 16, 2023

I Spy 2023: Weeks 40 & 41

It's time for another "I Spy" catch up post. Fall is definitely featured in this post as the majority of these pictures were taken the last two weeks of October, when fall was in full swing around here.

Also, this post is "late" (by my self-imposed timeline of posting these on Tuesdays) because, in a last minute flurry of activity, Rachel got braces on Tuesday! We knew she was getting them and, originally, had an appointment for December. However, at her pre-appointment on Monday they offered us an appointment time for Tuesday (less than 24 hours away) and we decided to go for it. So we've been getting soft foods, figuring out comfortable clothing, and dealing with "I'm getting braces!!!" emotions. Thankfully, the process seems to have gone well and Rachel didn't have too much discomfort. But let's just say, blogging took a back seat for a few days :)

Let's Play iSpy 2022

These pictures were mostly taken during the week of October 18 - 24.

starts with R

Rachel definitely "starts with 'r'" and since the majority of these two weeks was also Rachel focused, due to dance, this is a great picture for this prompt!



Sam and his friend from elementary school are on two different soccer teams. While it's a little hard to see in the picture, two of their friends came out to watch them play each other. During half time, and after the game, this "band" of boys played soccer together. I love that Sam's elementary school friendships have provided the foundation for his middle and high school friendships too.

selfie – quarterly

I took this selfie earlier this week. I think I've captured the "tired Natasha after a full fall" look! Also, the "Natasha needs a haircut" look - hahaha! This is me, on my way to work, on my favourite path.


I didn't think I would have a picture for this prompt, but our screen door fell off the back and I captured this shot with the very "bent" frame.

Your Choice


If our screen door is going to break, having my dad around to help replace it is always "my choice"!

These pictures were mostly taken the week of October 25 - 31. These pictures show you some of our weekend dance getaway, which I'm hoping to blog about in the next few weeks.


There was a provincial park with about 100 birdhouses on display. You can probably guess why this one was my "favourite"! (Click on the picture to see it bigger, if you need a hint.)

workspace – quarterly

I feel like my "workspace" isn't very exciting. It is, however, a lot emptier once I got the kids' old school papers off it!


I was truly stuck on what to use for this prompt and then, a couple of days ago, my co-worker brought in Smile Cookies. Smile Cookies are probably as familiar as the "logo" for Tim's. But only if you live in Canada... :) 


We saw some gorgeous "foliage" on our trip. It was the perfect weekend to capture fall in all its glory.

your choice

Since we didn't know what the weekend would hold, we had Sam come with us. My two kids, sharing a delicious crepe, will always be "my choice."

*weeks 93 & 94 of Lysha's challenge prompts. See her posts here and here.


  1. Awww love the kids with the crepe and the foliage is just gorgeous

  2. Aw, that is a good picture of your kids, mouths full of crepes and all! I hope that Rachel adjusts OK to her mouth full of metal. The bad thing is the pain of them rears its ugly head every time there is another appointment. But... it will be worth it when that straight smile is on display!

  3. That blue is beautiful on Rachel!! Love the smiley cookie!


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)