Monday, November 27, 2023

Hello Monday!: The Weekend I Didn't Get In The Car

This was the weekend I was either walking somewhere or at home in my fuzzy owl pajama pants! There was no middle ground -- HAHAHA!!!

When I got home on Friday afternoon, we all quickly put on our holiday best (matching pajama pants and sherpa jackets) to get some quick pictures! This is not our holiday card this year but we needed some family photos and our official photographer decided to move to The States for the fall.


We had supper and then Dave and I walked to the university to see our friend who was performing in "She Kills Monsters." Dave and I loved this play and our friend did an amazing job in their role. We were going to take the LRT home but we realized we could probably walk home faster so we did!

On Saturday morning, Dave dropped Sam and I off at badminton -- this was the only time I was in the car all weekend -- a five minute drive! I then walked to my favourite greenhouse for their customer appreciation day. I bought a little Grinch tree for our dining room table, as well as a few other things :) I can never resist! Then I walked to the fish store to pick up some for supper and then I got Sam from badminton.
He convinced me to get him something at Tim's and then we walked home through the cemetery.
Once at home I tackled the laundry mountain and did a few more loads. Unfortunately, my indoor clothesline broke :( I had to tie it to a hook in the basement but it's really saggy. I need to figure out how to replace it ASAP!!! While I was doing laundry, I listened to Sharon Says So's podcast. I finished her podcast on Japanese internment camps in the US during World War II. Then I started her podcast about the 1970s.
I cut two huge rutabagas into fries for supper. Have you ever cut a rutabaga?!?!? They were huge and very hard to cut.

Dave and I then walked to our friends' house to get some presents which our one friend made, and then we walked uptown to do some Jólabókaflóð shopping, as well as to pick up a few other gifts.
I always feel so accomplished when I make a multi-pot meal. Saturday night I baked the rutabaga fries, pan fried fish, and steamed tatsoi. Sam made the garlic bread. After supper I was going to watch a Hallmark movie with the rest of my family but my stomach hurt (I think I ate too much rutabaga when I was cutting it earlier) and my legs hurt from all the walking. So I crawled into bed and read for the rest of the evening.
I really enjoyed Sunday morning -- drinking coffee-hot chocolate and catching up with Dave. It was so nice to have a relaxed morning.
Rachel and I took the LRT to dance. She had four hours of rehearsal for The Nutcracker and I was on costume handing out duties. It was fun to get to see some of her dance early.

Rachel is excited to be an Evil Mouse (with a Cheese Spear) among other things this year!
When I got home, I ate lunch, dropped some things off at a friends' house, and then hung the ornaments on our outside tree. It was raining while Dave and I were working on this but it's supposed to turn into snow soon. I'll do the window boxes next weekend...
After an afternoon snack of a Coke and a cherry danish I made supper. Soup on a rainy, cold day is exactly right.
I ended the weekend by watching "Christmas by Design" with Rachel and a cup of cranberry tea!

It was nice to have a weekend full of getting things done but also getting in a lot of walking. My total mileage for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday was 35.8 kilometres (just over 22 miles) so no wonder my legs are sore!
As has been my November tradition, I'm joining in with "Hello Monday" with Holly, who blogs at Pink Lady, and Sarah, who blogs at Sunshine And Books. Click on their blogs to find the other posts in the link up, or to join in and tell all about your weekend.


  1. Oh my gosh- the show? How fun! Diana was just in it last week and we loved it- so funny- didn't realize that it was a comedy! Your weekend looks so festive and healthy at the same time- congrats on all of your steps!

  2. I was only in the car long enough to go grocery shopping one day this weekend and otherwise spend the 4 days in the house; it was wonderful! It sounds like you had a big walking weekend though and lots of fun stuff to see and do.

  3. Wow! That’s a lot of walking, good for you! I have those days too when I realized I haven’t been in a car for a few days. We are lucky to live in a walkable and transit heavy area!
    Sarah @Toronto SAM

  4. What a full weekend!! Rachel is an adorable mouse!!

  5. Your family pic in matching jammies is adorable! Congrats on all the walking. Walking is so good for you! Making (and eating) soup on a cold, dreary day is the best!

  6. Sam is getting so tall! I can't believe he's almost as tall as Dave!! Love your matching jammies. :)


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