Friday, November 17, 2023

End of August Reading

Another thing I need to catch up on here in blog world are my book posts. Thankfully, I've been doing a good job of tracking my books on Goodreads so I know what I read when. Here is how I finished off August in terms of reading. (And just be warned, these reviews are going to be very light on details!)

I remember exactly where I was when I read this book (on the train from Kansas City to St Louis on my mother-son trip with Sam), but very few details about the book itself. I think I remember it being geared more to teens and young adults, so while I'm glad I read it, I don't think it was very relevant to me.



I went through a very big Karen Kingsbury, Baxter family, kick in August. These were the perfect (mostly) light reading as I headed back to work.

This wasn't as good as The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek but it was still very engaging. If you enjoyed Book Woman, then I would recommend this one. I remember feeling sad at how alone Honey was and how few people she had in her corner.


I have to say, the Karen Kingsbury stand alone Baxter books aren't worth it, in my opinion. Forgiving Paris did not add to the Baxter story and went in directions that I don't think Kingsbury's other books do. These were good books to read as I was recovering from Covid though as they didn't take a lot of thought!

I remember this as the first book I could really concentrate on post-Covid. It was so interesting as it told the stories of the wives of the first astronauts. I did find it a little confusing to try and keep everyone straight as there were many more astronauts than I had anticipated. But it was a unique perspective on the race to the moon.  

Another Karen Kingsbury, Baxter family book. What can I say? Last year it was all the "In Death" books and this month it was all of these ones :)

This book was pretty fun. I really enjoy this series, although I'd really like to read the first one again. However, there are too many holds on it at my library. Also, these books make me want to check out a Renaissance Faire! Hahaha!

This was a Decades Reading Challenge book and it was pretty interesting. I don't remember a lot about it but I do remember thinking that I take the fact that I can go out and work for granted. This was a story about a woman journalist and the prejudices she experienced in the 1950s.

I ended the month with some Nora Roberts' comfort reads. Sometimes I just need a heavy dose of escapism and Nora always provides!

So that's how I finished off my August reading.

Total books read in August: 27

Total books read in 2023: 131


  1. Your reading always blows me away! Thank you for sharing- I always get great suggestions from you

  2. I read The Astronaut Wives Club. I had to look it up to make sure it was the one I was thinking of!

  3. That looks like a great book list. I've been reading a lot of non-fiction lately.

  4. I haven't read any Karen Kingsbury before. I'll have to check her out!

  5. "The Astronaut Wives Club" sounds good!!

  6. That astronaut wives book sounds neat. It looks like you read lots of fun and light stories; sometimes we all need more of that don't we?


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