Thursday, February 06, 2014

Ironic Thankfulness

I'm having a hard time coming up with blog posts lately although, I know that now that I've written that, I'll start finding blog post ideas under every rock shovel of snow :) I'm just getting tired of writing blog posts about our weather, so I thought I would take a page from our family's evening grace. Each night we go around the table and say what we're thankful for from the day. So today, you get a list of things I'm thankful for right now.

I originally intended this post to be just about thankfulness but then a lot of my thanks had some irony attached to them so I had to change my title and the direction of my post.

1) I'm thankful that Rachel has stopped waking up at night coughing. (Ironically, I'm currently writing this at 3:07am, sitting in Sam's room, waiting for him to fall asleep! He woke up about half an hour ago saying he was scared.)

2) I'm thankful that, despite the fact that our Family Shoveling Time was a bit of a failure, Dave went out after the kids were in bed and shoveled for an hour. Now our car can leave the driveway again. (Ironically, the snowplow just went by so we're probably plowed in at the end of our driveway!)

3) I'm thankful that Dave has been making Sam's lunch every night so I don't have to do it anymore. Yay! (This one is just pure thankfulness.)

4) I'm thankful that all our dishes got done last night because Dave came home and dried them while we were waiting for supper to cook. (Ironically, right after supper, there were more dishes to do. Nope, we don't have a dishwasher.)

5) I'm thankful my dad is coming to visit next week. (He's only staying for one night as he's just passing through on his way to India (!!!), but one night is better than no nights.)

6) I'm thankful I'll get an enforced hour to lie down today and to do nothing. (It's not as pleasant as it sounds because I have a dentist appointment while Rachel has preschool.)

7) I'm thankful that Tim and Janice handed down a sled to us last year. It has been more useful than I could have imagined this past month.

8) I'm thankful we're going to have an Olympics Opening Ceremonies party with Tim, Janice, Tessa and Willem tomorrow night. I am so excited about it! (Ironically, that might be all the Olympics we'll actually watch. Although we'll hopefully be able to live stream the hockey medal games if Canada does well. The only times I ever regret not having a TV are during major sporting events -- the Grey Cup, hockey finals, etc. Ironically, Dave doesn't care quite as much.)

9) I'm thankful I don't have to cook supper tonight. It's LOGOS night! I get to eat supper with about ten junior youth (and Rachel) instead :) (Ironically, I look forward to LOGOS nights all week even though my supper time is much more chaotic than normal nights!)

And Sam seems to have finally fallen asleep so I can publish this post and go back to bed. Ironically, I fell asleep shortly after 11 last night (tonight???), and I was proud of myself for going to sleep relatively "early" and thinking about what a great night's sleep I would get. Isn't life ironic?


  1. Nothing like counting your blessings in these dreary seasons!

  2. I love your list! Your posts always make me smile. I feel like I'm having a hard time coming up with posts too. =(

  3. I LOVE THE OLYMPICS!!!!!! Ryan are having date night in front of the TV tonight to celebrate the ceremonies! Y'all's ice dancing duo impressed my socks off last night!!! Good luck, Canada!!

    1. Thank you so much Bekah! I think I got into the Olympics more this year than ever before. I think it helped that Sam was so excited about them. And also that so much was available for streaming on our computer.

  4. Oh the irony life gives us sometimes! Haha! I still love how thankful you are!


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