Monday, October 17, 2011

Thankfulness and Hoodluck

Each night before supper we go around our dinner table and say what we are thankful for. I am thankful Dave has been home all weekend and that he has done a lot with Sam. Sam, last night, was thankful for "the jack-o-lantern leaf bags we bought at Dollarama!" The kid is pretty specific sometimes :) So this afternoon, before we hosted Hoodluck, Sam and I baked some double chocolate chip cookies and then went outside and filled a couple of the leaf bags. So if you come to our house in the next couple of weeks, this is what you'll see:

For Hoodluck tonight the theme was "Something you think Dave and Tash should eat before they leave Edmonton" since this is likely the last Hoodluck we will host. Dave made his awesome Cauliflower-Tofu stirfry with colourful purple cauliflower from the market. It was so pretty in the pan I had to take a picture of it!

That's what happened here today. What did you do?

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