Monday, July 31, 2023

Saskatchewan Skies And Super Sand Dunes

I mentioned last week that while we were in Saskatchewan we did a little road trip. My parents rented a huge van and we drove to southwestern Saskatchewan to Maple Creek. We visited Cypress Hills, the Great Sand Hills, Fort Walsh, and Scotty, the T Rex at Eastend. So today I'm taking you on the first day. Just be warned, I LOVE the never ending skies and fields of Saskatchewan so I took A LOT of pictures!

I was so happy that we were in Saskatchewan while the canola was blooming. It was brilliant yellow and this is one of my favourite views.

Some people think Saskatchewan is too flat to be interesting but I just love how you can see forever and see so much sky.

More canola fields but this time with a bale in the foreground!

Every small town used to have grain elevators but you rarely see them anymore so I had to capture these two giants in a small town we drove by.

My mom and dad packed food for the whole trip and our first stop was for a picnic lunch in a small town. They had this huge chair so our whole family posed on it. This was in Leader, Saskatchewan, if you want to try and follow our trip.

Rachel loved the burrowing owls and Sam loved the Kangraroo rats. To each their own!

On the way to our final destination we stopped at the Great Sand Hills. These are in southern Saskatchewan and it's a 1,900 square kilometre (750 square miles) active, desert-like sand dunes. It was very windy and the sand dunes are constantly shifting. What is so interesting is that they are surrounded by prairie and ranch land.

The kids loved running all over them and sliding down them and climbing up them.

It seriously looks like the desert in the middle of the prairies. So cool!
Dave and I had fun posing for some unique pictures! Can you believe we're on the prairies?!?!

Can you see me in the middle, far away?! I was trying to get a perspective of how big they were.
After the Sand Hills, we drove the rest of the way to our final destination. We stayed in a great hotel in a small town. One thing to note is that over four days we drove 1,300 kilometres (800 miles) because we were fairly far south and things were very spread out.

I loved this day of road tripping and seeing some very different, and unique, places.


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)