Tuesday, July 04, 2023

I Spy 2023: Week 26

I'm late with my "I Spy" post this week because this past weekend was our Canada Day long weekend. Dave came back from his work trip, the kids came back from their grandparents, we spent a little bit of time trying to catch up on some house chores (laundry, cleaning the bunny cage, figuring out what was in our fridge), and then we spent the rest of the time visiting with my aunts, cousins, and their families.

Today, while my American readers are celebrating July 4th, I am celebrating my first day of SUMMER BREAK!!!!!! Yes, I finished all my work on Friday, so today is officially my first day of summer break! Whooooo hooooo!!!

And now on with my slightly late I Spy post...

Let's Play iSpy 2022


We were invited to a neighbourhood BBQ just around the corner from us on Canada Day and the kids ended up staying for a few hours. In the evening, one of the neighbours had sparklers for the kids, along with a few fireworks. I can't tell if the "sparkle" in Rachel's eye is bigger than the one in her hand but she sure had a great time!



As a part of the festivities, there was a rather large water gun fight spanning a few blocks. Since it was so hot out, the kids did not mind getting "wet." And in this case, "wet" can be defined as "completely soaked!"


We went to a Blue Jays game with my extended family and I wanted another souvenir glass. Unfortunately, I went to a new drinks place and so I "rounded" out my collection with the different glass in the middle. Rachel now claims I need a second glass from that place so we have two of each and, I mean, she's not wrong :) 



I knew Sam had randomly come home one day with this "banana" but I didn't know why. Then I was talking about how I found "banana" an odd prompt and didn't know what to do with it. Sam piped up, "You could take a picture of the banana I made at school." So thanks to this prompt, I discovered that Sam actually made this banana at school in the Tech Shop. And yes, June was crazy and we didn't have a chance to talk about things like this. 

Your Choice


Even though this isn't the greatest photo, hanging out with my cousins is always "my choice." Especially since two of them live out of province and flew in for the weekend!

*week 78 of Lysha's challenge prompts. See her post here.


  1. I am impressed with that banana! So creative. I like my Blue Jays cups too, I am supportive to getting a second white one!

  2. Happy belated Canada Day and happy summer! Love Rachel's shirt!

  3. That's a funny story about the banana!

  4. Laughing over the cousins picture after our last book club - at least it's not your mom or dad with their cousins! HA!

  5. I spot a Buc-ees tshirt! Love it.


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