Friday, July 07, 2023

Halfway Through June And What I'd Read

I'm so behind on my book blogging. Let's see if I can remember what these books were actually about! :) Many of them were set in the 1950s and I discovered them through the Decades Reading Challenge. I also remember going through a bunch of books the first week in June. It was a GREAT reading period for me :)

I really enjoyed this book both because I got to read about the life of a debutante and the British upper class, but also because there was way more to the story than that. I can't say too much without giving away spoilers but this was a quick, engaging read.

This was another book I really enjoyed. It featured strong women, a book store, and a bit of intrigue -- these qualities equal a good book, in my opinion. I also enjoyed the story, and if I recall correctly, I read this book in one sitting.

This book drew me in because I thought it was about Princess Grace. However, while she was a part of the story, she wasn't the main story, if that makes sense. This was the third book in a row set in 1950s Europe that I read and again, I really enjoyed it.

I'd heard so much hype about this book, and while I thought it was pretty good, there were lots of pieces of it which irritated me. I think I just had higher expectations than maybe I should have. The same thing happened to me with the movie, Forest Gump, by the way :) I was really expecting a 5 star read here and, honestly, I thought it was only "pretty good" and not "amazing."

This was another Decades Reading Challenge and it focused particularly on McCarthyism and its effect on Broadway theatres. I found this time period really interesting to read about, but I think it would have been terrifying to live through. I do have to say that this wasn't my favourite Fiona Davis book though. I've read others of hers which I thought were better.


I thought this book was so interesting. I loved that it was about online games but it was from the perspective of a BIPOC teenager. I would highly recommend this book, even if you're not into gaming!

Sorry, that my reviews are a little light this time around. I read some of these books over a month ago and clearly I need to do a better job of writing down some salient points as soon as I've read a book so I don't forget everything.

Also, I should clarify that we're currently waiting at the airport on a late night flight (original departure time 10:30pm) and it's been delayed twice so now we're leaving shortly after midnight. I'm already tired from a full week of summer and extended family visiting so I'm trying to write this post while sitting at our departure gate, but also feeling like I could go to bed right now. Sadly, my bed is at least seven hours away at this point, so it's going to be a looooong evening. But hopefully by the time this posts, I'll have been asleep at our destination for a few hours... Here's hoping...

And here's hoping that my next book blog post will be a little more interesting -- although I already know it won't hit that goal! Hahaha!!!


  1. I thought Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow as good too. Not the best or most amazing book ever.

  2. Aww hope you got to your destination safely and got some rest too! Another great reading month for you :)

  3. Putting that first one for sure on my TBR. I have mixed feelings about Fiona Davis, some of her books and some are meh. I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT HOW YOU FELT ABOUT TX3!!!! I felt the same way and Emily/Erika LOVED it haha.

  4. You have read a lot of books. I read Meet Me In Monaco and also The Chelsea Girls. I love Fiona Davis and I agree with you that I like some of her other books better. I hope you have a safe trip.
    Thanks for the blog visit! :)

  5. Ugh! I have been hearing about so many flight delays and problems this year; I feel for you and hope all finally went smoothly once you were able to board. I have been struggling to get myself to read historical fiction lately which is so odd since it's one of my favorite genres. I am immediately drawn to those first 3 covers and the stories do sound interesting.


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)