It's already the last Wednesday of April so it's time for another What's Up
Wednesday post. I am so excited today because it's the first "normal" What's Up Wednesday post I've written since April 2019. Yes, for the first April in three years our province is not in lock down, our kids are still attending school in person, and all the things are happening and I LOVE IT!!! You can go here to see what life was like in April of 2021 and how I compared it to April of 2020. So what does a "normal" April look like? Read on to find out...
And as always on the last Wednesday of the month,
I'm linking up with
Shay at Mix and Match Mama and
Sheaffer at
Sheaffer Told Me To.
What we're eating this week... We just got through Passover and Easter so we ate all the Passover and Easter foods -- matzoh ball soup, charoset, and parsley dipped in saltwater for Passover and then chickpea and potato salads for Easter.
making matzoh balls for soup * matzoh ball soup * charoset 
Plus, Sam got braces and now he can't eat popcorn for two years, so we ate lots and lots (and then some more) popcorn.
What I'm reminiscing about... This coming weekend Rachel's dance studio has its big spring show. We've got a few days of dress rehearsals and performances coming up and it hasn't happened since Spring of 2019. So I'm remembering Rachel's dance performances through the years.
Rachel in 2017 as a gem in Aladdin * Rachel in 2018 as a peppermint lollipop in Mary Poppins * Rachel (as a rainbow) and Sam as a flying monkey in 2019 in The Wizard Of Oz (Rachel was also a flying monkey and 2019 is the only year Sam took one class of dance.)
What I'm loving... Spring! When we get bits and pieces of nice weather I'm enjoying the flowers! A number of years ago someone surreptitiously planted daffodil bulbs in the shape of a happy face on one of the expressways in our city. For the past two years, because we've been in lock down, we haven't seen the happy face bloom. Now it's one of my favourite sites on the way to church!

What we've been up to... Besides celebrating Easter and Passover, and Sam getting braces, we've been celebrating Sam's birthday (almost a month late) with an arcade party and an "Among Us" cake...
... and going to a Blue Jays' game!!!
And when Dave had to go to the office to work for one day (out of town, and gone over supper), the kids and I got ice cream!
What I'm dreading... Honestly, I'm just dreading getting Covid. I know more and more people who have had it and I feel like our turn is coming... Thankfully, I'm not worried about us getting really sick from it. Selfishly, I just don't want the kids to miss out on things they haven't been able to experience for three years -- like dance performances and birthday parties.
What I'm working on... When I have a free moment, and the weather is good, I'm working on getting our yard in shape for spring. Those two things haven't combined well this past month so I really haven't done much outside yet.
What I'm excited about... The Blue Jays have been playing amazing baseball in April and it's been so fun to follow them. I'm always excited about baseball but even more so this April! Currently, the Jays are first in the AL East and the AL so it's really exciting!!!
What I'm watching/reading... Sadly, I haven't been able to watch Jays' games recently because basketball playoffs or hockey is always on. I need my baseball people!
My reading is not that exciting lately. I'm doing a bit of a re-read of the "In Death" series. I guess I just need some predictability in my reading so I'm falling back on old favourites.
What I'm listening to... I love that during the workday I get to hear students learning to play instruments in band and having fun in the gym. It gets a little noisy at times but, as I told my principal the other day, "THIS is what a school should sound like." (Yes, I'm still grateful every single day that the kids are in school in person in our province. I'm not forgetting the past two years that quickly.)
What I'm wearing... Shoes without socks. I have officially ditched my socks and I'm really happy about it. Of course, we had snow last week (and they're actually predicting snow today in our city -- WHY????????) so sometimes I still have to wear them.
Yes, I am boring. Other than not wearing socks, I'm just wearing all the same old work clothes. Or pajamas.
What I'm doing this weekend... Rachel has her spring dance show with her whole studio and then we're going out to supper with Tim and Janice to celebrate a couple of big birthdays! Whoooo hoooo!!! And hopefully we'll get to go see Canstruction at some point...
What I'm looking forward to next month... Well, I have a big birthday coming up on Monday :) Honestly though, we're not doing much to celebrate for awhile so it'll probably be a regular old work day. We're going to another Blue Jays game with some of our favourite people later in the month and I'm just looking forward to spending more time outside.
What else is new... I think that's about it.
Happy Wednesday to you!
Everytime you show that matzoh ball soup my mouth starts watering- looks so good! Yeah for Rachel AND all of you- I bet you are so excited for the show- share pics after please :)
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice to compare now to then! It is great to see everything happening again. We didn't end up going to a baseball game yet this year. Gabbie's dance shows are still coming up!
ReplyDeleteI love the smiley face of flowers.
ReplyDeleteSo many good things!! Stay safe and have fun!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a wonderful birthday! We're loving how busy we are this year too (and I normally do like to be busy at all).
ReplyDeleteYes to a noisy school! I'm volunteering for pizza day next week and although it sounds like total chaos to me, I'll embrace it!