Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Three Things About Us

I've seen these type of blog posts and I really enjoy reading random things about other bloggers and their families. Since there is nothing new to write about, last night I asked everyone to tell me three things to share with the blog world. And then I asked them to pose for a picture too!


Rachel would like everyone to call her "Rach."

Online school is definitely "not my favourite but I will keep doing it if I have too." (The kids have amazed Dave and I with their willingness to participate fully in online learning.)

Rachel (excuse me, Rach) is super excited that we bought her and Sam new snow shovels because now she can be more effective when she's helping to shovel snow. 


Sam loves eating seaweed for lunch, unlike anyone else in the family!

Sam recognizes that Rachel wants to change her name, but he insists on calling her "El" (pronounced like the last syllable of her name)! (I'm sure you can guess how well that goes over! Hahaha!!!)

Sam is turning into a pre-teen who likes to spend a lot of time in his room.


Dave started a new job at a new company at the beginning of January. He is really enjoying the new challenge. (This was a sought after change so it really is a good thing.)

He's a lapsed jogger but he wants to get more fit in the new year. (Thus, he has been doing workout videos with me sometimes.)

Dave is always looking for a good book to read and seems to default to "easy" reads like Hemingway and Steinbeck. However, he got a new book for his birthday that is less dense and he's looking forward to reading it.


I am really looking forward to working from home today so I can watch the inauguration. Rach(el) will be missing some school and watching it with me.

I desperately want this lock down to end so I can get a massage and a proper haircut and, possibly, even some highlights! Gasp! This all feels like the height of luxury right now.

I currently have three bouquets of tulips in the house and I'm holding myself back from buying more!

So there you go -- three things going on with each of us right now. What's something going on with you?


  1. I can't wait to watch the inauguration too! Love tulips- you just inspired me to go get some :)

    1. Oh, this is the best comment! I love that I inspired you to buy flowers!!!

  2. I really need a haircut! Can't wait to watch the inauguration too.

  3. I'm going to try to watch the inauguration for a few minutes...probably on the computer.
    Yay for running Dave! I went jogging yesterday for the first time in....a while. :)

  4. You're the 2nd blogger to post tulips so now I really want to go to the store and add some to my table.

    I love this post. I do enjoy knowing more about what makes up a bloggers life including their family.

  5. I braved my 2nd COVID haircut 2 weeks ago (and first in NY eek!) Glad that you and Rachel were able to watch!!

  6. Tulips!! In the last blog post there was snow and frozen water!! Now you are talking tulips. Are you growing them from bulbs? I am wanting to get an orchid. I have my mom's but it was in bad shape when I brought it home with me and has continued downhill.

  7. You'll have to let me know what Dave thinks of Ready Player Two. I read the first one and really enjoyed it!

  8. Oh yes, I could definitely fill the house with tulips and not mind at all! My boys spend what feels like 90% of the day in their rooms.. it's quite an adjustment from the "mom, mom, mom" days!

    1. You are right -- it is quite the adjustment. It feels so weird...

  9. I am so skeptical of Ready Player Two - it sounds just like a remake of Ready Player One. I hope he shares his thoughts with you! Also your love of tulips makes me smile. :)


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)