Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Halfway Through February And What I'd Read

It's time for an update on my February reading. Some weeks I need lighter reading than others and this post shows I was in a "lighter space" during the first half of February!

I do really enjoy a good Nora trilogy and even more so if it's set in Ireland! There's just something about her Irish books I really like. Also, I tend to race through the first two books of her trilogies and then dawdle through the third one, if I even finish it. At least on a re-read, this is my pattern.

I thought this book was just as interesting as the second book. I am still really enjoying this series and can't wait for the third book. They are definitely Young Adult but they still suck me in.

I'm doing a new reading challenge this year but it's Canadian based. So February's prompt was "a book banned in Canadian schools." This is a graphic novel and it's all about the author's experience of figuring out their gender. It was very interesting.


See above about how I just sometimes need a Nora fix and also, how I don't necessarily read the third book. All of this applies with these two books.

This was my book club book for February and one of the most unique books I've ever read. The premise is wild but held my attention. However, my view of this book was tainted because I found out some really sad news at work the day I read the bulk of this book and, the sadness of the news, combined with the sadness of the book, just about did me in. So I recommend this book but not if you're already feeling sad.

So that was what I read the first half of February. Thus far, in the second half, I'm finishing up some books from the Decades Reading Challenge and reading through some really interesting history!


  1. I don't know if I'd like Shark Heart. It might be too literary for me.

  2. I'll have to check out that Nora Roberts Irish trilogy. I have read a few of her books that I like and I love anything set in Ireland! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I am sorry about your sad news XO Thank you for sharing some more amazing books!

  4. I just picked up a new Nora Roberts book and the latest J D Robb at our library yesterday and I can't wait to dig in!

  5. To be fair, the last book in the Boonsboro Inn trilogy but not very good ha.

  6. What a cool cover Shark Heart has!


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