Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Friday Favourite Moments #7 (On A Tuesday)

Well, we had a long weekend this past weekend, Family Day here in Canada. While I spent a lot of time with my family, and catching up on sleep, I did not spend a lot of time blogging. So here are last week's favourite moments as I never did get this post written for Friday.

1) Sam made egg salad.

 While this is not the most exciting picture, Sam made egg salad and I enjoyed a few sandwiches over the week. His egg salad was really good and I liked eating it for lunches.

2) Rachel went above and beyond
Dave was not feeling well last Saturday night so went to bed early. I asked Rachel to wash the dishes, and not only did she do that, but she also dried and put them all away. And then she made coffee for the morning, along with this note. I was so touched that she thought of the extra things Dave does to make our mornings easier.
3) Tea with Janice

I already blogged about this but, of course, my teatime with Janice was absolutely a favourite moment of the week. You can read the post here if you want to see more.
4) Valentine's Day supper
We didn't do anything big to celebrate Valentine's Day but I made a special supper, pasta with vodka sauce, and it was really good! I enjoyed the leftovers for a few days too.
5) Thursday's sunrise
The sunrise on Thursday was absolutely beautiful. I love a good sunrise!
So those were my favourite moments from last week. I'm already working on this week's post so hopefully it will be a little more timely :)


  1. I think I am spotting pickles in your egg salad! Is that right? I need to try that! So sweet of Rachel and love the tulips of course :)

  2. Does the egg salad have pickles in it?

  3. Hurray for Sam making egg salad!

  4. I hate eggs, so I can't enjoy your first item, but the rest all sound absolutely perfect!

  5. What a beautiful sky! Such a beautiful shade of purply-pink.


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