Friday, February 09, 2024

Friday Favourite Moments #6

This has been a full week of parent viewing at Rachel's dance, work, spending as much time as possible outside (because it was sunny!!!), and all the other things which happen in a week. I've let things at home slide so this weekend will be full of laundry, tidying, menu planning, and grocery shopping. But before the weekend is finally here, there's one more day of work and my favourite moments from this past week.

1) Walks for ice cream

Because it was so nice out, we went for ice cream as a family twice. It was so nice to celebrate the fact that the sun was shining, it was staying light a little bit longer in the evenings, and just being outside together as a family. Last Saturday, our local ice cream shop was hosting an "ice cream for breakfast" fundraiser so after Rachel's dance rehearsal, we headed over there and ate ice cream before 11am! 

2) Watching Rachel dance
We got to watch a lot of Rachel dancing this week. She danced with the Chamber Orchestra on Sunday afternoon, during which I sat with a good friend and we had a chance to catch up...
...and then three evening this week was parent viewing at dance. I especially loved watching Rachel hang out with her dance besties and watching the improv in her Lyrical class.
Rachel and her absolute best dance friend, S. S's mom and I just coordinate the kids' dance schedules so they do everything together.
Rachel jete-ing in Lyrical and a bad picture of the improv portion. For improv, the teacher dims the lights so the dancers don't feel self-conscious. It's a horrible picture but a really good memory.
3) SUN!!!
It was so sunny for a few days this week and that also had to be a favourite moment! I took quite a few walks which didn't end in ice cream, but where I thoroughly enjoyed the sun.
And those were some of my favourite moments of this past week!


  1. Enjoy every moment of Rachel dancing- I can totally relate as you know :) One of the greatest joys of life! Yes to the sun too- very excited about a mild and sunny weekend here- enjoy Natasha!

  2. It's so nice when the sun comes out. I miss watching Gabbie dance!

  3. I love that your ice cream places are still open in the winter; not many of ours are. It was so beautiful out this week though. Those dance photos are wonderful.

  4. These favorites posts are always so fun!


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