Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Favourite Moments #8

I'm trying something new and, even though it's only Wednesday, I'm starting to write this post already. We'll see if it helps me to be more timely in posting this for Friday morning!

1) Three day weekend

My first favourite has to be our three day weekend where we had no plans whatsoever!!! I slept a ton, we had an entire day at home (where most of us stayed in our pjs all day), and we spent a few hours with good friends. It was a pretty excellent weekend!

2) Puzzles and buns

This is kind of related to our weekend but I thought it deserved its own point. I actually had time to do a puzzle and bake buns! It was very exciting :)

3) Library visits

Dave and I walked to the library earlier this week and it was lovely to have some extra time to browse for books. I have a lot of good reading ahead of me and I can't wait!!!

4) Extra light

I'm noticing every single day how much earlier it's getting light in the mornings and how much later it's staying light in the evenings. I am all about extra light!!!

taken at 7:18am yesterday morning

5) Exciting packages

Both kids received exciting packages this week and I loved their enthusiasm! Rachel got a pair of pants she'd forgotten in Saskatchewan (and was so excited to open the package, she ripped the letter my dad had enclosed to shreds -- hahahaha!) and Sam got a special toque, from his favourite football team, shipped from England.

She did eventually get it taped back together!

6) My current bouquet of tulips

I always love my winter tulips but this week's bouquet is particularly amazing!

7) Long walks

We've had some extra warm weather lately, and some free time, so we've gone on a couple of longer walks this week and I am loving all the exercise! On Tuesday, Dave and I walked to the library just the two of us and on Wednesday, Rachel, Dave, and I walked 7.6 kilometres (almost 5 miles) to Starbucks, the library, and Michael's.

Okay, that's a lot of favourite moments from the week! It's been a good one :)


  1. Yeah for longer days, beautiful tulips and walks outside- bring on spring!

  2. Yay for the longer days and longer walks outside! Your 3 day weekend sounds so lovely.

  3. Your exciting packages, made me think about how my kids still love getting packages. One day my older son came home and was jealous I had an amazon package. I was like "it's a cleaning solution...not so exciting." He was bummed. :-)


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