Monday, August 14, 2023

Not Just A Mom: What's In My Handbag?

Since it's the second Monday of the month, I'm joining in with the Not Just A Mom bloggers. Today we're talking about "What's in our hand bag?" The "Not Just A Mom" bloggers are Sarah, Dara, Joanne, Adrienne, Lauren, and Jen. (Click on each name to go their blogs.)

As I mentioned in my Monthly Musings post for July (see it here), this is the bag I've been carrying for the past couple of years. Janice crocheted it for me for my birthday a few years ago and I love it. It's very bright, which I love. It has no pockets and my only complaint is it gets hot to carry in the heat of summer.

In no particular order, here is what I carry in my bag: a band-aid because someone always needs one and I never have one; a couple of Halls in case anyone gets a sore throat or has a coughing fit at an inconvenient moment; my sunglasses in a case so they don't get scratched, my wallet, my Carmex lip gloss (a HUGE necessity for me -- I have about three scattered in various spots around the house), IBU & Tylenol in a container because I got tired of never having meds when I got a headache, a few pads (tell me you're in peri-menopause without telling me...), and some Kleenex. Dave always get annoyed with all the Kleenexes I carry but the rest of my family never has one when they need it, so guess who they ask?!?!
Additionally, I had a receipt from my last massage in my bag but I took it out once I had taken this picture. I try to clean receipts and junk out of my bag every time I enter the house but I clearly forgot about this one.

I carry my keys with me about half the time and I thought I would talk about what's on my key chain. I have two house keys and my car key. I also have a mini Tupperware container which has been on there since the early 2000s when all my friends were having Tupperware parties. I have the University of Georgia key chain my blog friend, Erika, sent me in about 2013. The weird random key is something a friend of mine found on the street when we were walking through Jerusalem in 2000. He handed it to me and said, "Here's the key to the city for you." The Lego Mickey is from our trip to the Lego House in Denmark last summer, and the tree tag was made by my friend's daughter and I bought it at a local market she was selling at in December. I should probably carry less stuff on my key chain but it all has such fun memories!

The other thing that is almost always in my bag when I leave the house is my phone but I was using it to take these pictures. One thing which will get added to my bag tonight is my and Sam's passports because we're leaving on our trip tomorrow! Whooo hoo!!! I really love when passports are in my bag because it means we're heading off on an adventure!

Is there anything in my bag I should get rid of? Is there anything I should add?


  1. I used to carry a travel pack of band aids too! I was forever handing them out to my boys and their friends when they were little (now my 17 year old carries a few in his wallet!).

  2. My mom is always the one with tissues!!

  3. Someone in Jerusalem wants their key back! lol.

  4. You are so good- essentials and the basics- sometimes I let my bags get cluttered- I have to do a better job of simplifying!

  5. Fully supportive of all of the Kleenex!! I had bandaids in my bag until I gave them all to this lady who fell off her bike in front of us at the park in June and I have not replenished.
    I love the random keychains!

  6. I love your crocheted bag Natasha. You have your bag very organized.

  7. Smart to have Tylenol! You never know when you're going to need it.

    Lauren @ Don't Mind Our Mess

  8. I love your crochet bag it's so cute and how nice that it was made especially for you. Totally menopausal over here, so I don't need to carry pads which is lucky because I have no room in my bag for pads hehe!

  9. That is such a cute bag and what a lovely gift. I do like handmade things. I should add band aids to my bag, they are handy to have.

  10. I love that bag. cute sunglass case

  11. I usually have some bandaids stuffed in my purse somewhere - I make sure to have them when I go on a vacation though! I love the random items on your keychain and all the interesting memories that go with them!


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