Tuesday, August 08, 2023

I Spy 2023: Week 31

It's time for another week of "I Spy." I struggled with some of the prompts this week so hopefully my interpretation of some of them makes sense :)

Let's Play iSpy 2022


While going to a unique light art installation is not an "everyday" event for our family, we sure enjoyed seeing Illumi Toronto earlier this weekend. I'll be writing more about our experiences here later.
plant – quarterly

My plant suffered a little bit when we went on vacation in July. I think I overwatered it before we left so it's lost a bunch of leaves. We'll see if it recovers or not.


I really like the way Rachel's new dance bodysuit is "strapped." (Yeah, I know, I'm reaching here.) But I do love the back of this bodysuit which we bought at the Capezio flagship store in New York City. Capezio is a major dance brand and going to this store was on Rachel's New York list.

starts with V

I feel very victorious that we got the playroom organized yesterday, especially Sam's desk. This has been on my list all summer and it feels so good to have it completed. (Yes, I struggled with this prompt too!) 

your choice


A walk through a gorgeous field of sunflowers with my family is always "my choice." This is another experience I'll be blogging about soon.

choose anything (same vantage point) – Monthly


This is a catch up photo from week 82 (last week). I wasn't home so couldn't post a picture but this is our dining room in July (or early August!). The sunflowers are from our walk over the weekend. And if the weather was nicer (not so hot, not so rainy), we'd be eating most of our meals outside instead of here.

*Week 84 of Lysha's challenge prompts. Lysha posted week 82 as week 83 so there were no Week 83 prompts. See Lysha's post here.


  1. Can't wait to read about your sunflower adventure-gorgeous pics!


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