Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekend Plans: The Review

So on Friday I posted a list of weekend plans and I know you've been waiting with bated breath to see if I actually accomplished all of my plans. Well I won't leave you in suspense any longer, read on.
 Rachel enjoying pancakes on Saturday morning.

Here is what I hoped to get accomplished this past weekend:

1) Get the winter tires taken off our car and all-seasons put on. I am deciding that if it snows again between now and November we will just stay home! Ha! Really this is just an excuse for me to hang out at Costco by myself for awhile on Saturday morning. Pretty awesome really!
     I woke up at 6:30 (on a Saturday no less), made myself a couple of mugs of coffee/hot chocolate and grabbed some reading material. Unfortunately when I got there at 7:35 (the tire centre opens at 9:30 and doesn't take appointments), I was the third person in line. The other two people were lined up outside so instead of sitting in my car for a bit, I had to stand outside. It was cold, it was hard to read, and it was a looooong wait. Fortunately my car was the first one done, about 55 minutes after the centre opened. And I actually got a lot read. Yay!

2) Finish writing (and publish) a couple of blog posts I've had in drafts for awhile, where "awhile" is anywhere from yesterday to a month ago. Don't get too excited -- they aren't that amazing :)
     As you can tell I published a few posts which were on my mind. I hope you enjoyed them. And even if you didn't, I mostly write stuff for the blog that I want to remember, so I'm still glad they're done :) But I still have one more long awaited post to work on. Maybe it will get finished sometime this week...?
Sam wasn't listening on Saturday morning so Dave said 
if he continued to not listen then he couldn't help make pancakes. 
Apparently twenty minutes of this was the result.

3) Go to book club on Sunday.
     I went to book club. There were five out of nine people there and since the only person with a car had to pick up her daughter I only stayed for an hour. However in that hour I ate five (small) bowls of popcorn, drank a cup of tea and had two pieces of sea salt chocolate. I would consider book club a success!
     3a) Finish my book club book. I finished my book club book on Friday afternoon before Rachel got sick with a fever and slept most of Friday evening and while Sam wrote his name in sidewalk chalk all over the outside -- the porch steps, the bricks, and, surprisingly enough, the sidewalk. Our book was "The Sisters Brothers" by Patrick DeWitt, a more contemporary Western novel. I didn't really enjoy it.
Rachel ready for church on Sunday.

4) Spring clean Rachel's room, the hallway and entry way, the living room and the dining room.
      Dave stayed up late on Friday night and cleaned the living room and dining room. Yay! Rachel didn't nap on Saturday so we cleaned her room during the afternoon. The hallway and the entry way still need some a lot of work but Dave also stayed up late on Saturday and cleaned a lot of the kitchen. Our spring cleaning feels like it is almost done and I might even be able to finish it during the kids' naptime today. We shall see...

5) Catch up on my daily Bible Reading. I'm about a week behind, which isn't bad considering we're a third of the way through 2013.
     Unfortunately I was about two weeks behind and NOW I'm only a week behind!
     5a) Figure out how we can already be a third of the way through 2013. For those of you who were hoping I'd be able to explain this phenomenon to you, I will have to admit defeat and say I can't. I have no idea how this is possible. I am definitely a believer in the theory that "The days are long and the years are short."
Rachel running with Funny Bunny!

6) Knock a few more things off my "41 Before 41" list.
     I learned how to use the printer. That's about the only thing I was able to knock off my list.
     6a) Write a post about why some of them will never be accomplished. You can check back on Friday for this post.
          6b) Think up convincing excuses reasons for 6a. You will have to see on Friday if my reasons why I didn't accomplish everything are convincing enough acceptable and valid.

 7) Go to Hamilton to celebrate Alissa's ordination with her.
     I definitely did this. Check back later today to read all about it.
     7a) Think about how to explain what "ordination" means in our Mennonite church context. I figured this one out too. Check out 7b) as to how I did it.
          7b) Figure out who to ask about 7a. It turns out that if you go to an ordination service and listen to the sermon you will actually learn some things about ordination. Who knew?!?
Attempt #1 to get a new blog header picture.

8) Change the blog header to reflect the more Spring-like weather. I think, with Dave's help, the blog looks a lot more Spring-like now. What say you guys?
     8a) Hope the weather will take a hint from the updated blog header and STAY THAT WAY! It seems that the weather reads our blog and has been convinced of the merits of Spring. The lows for the week are between 9-10C (around 50F) and the high for my birthday (on Thursday!!!) is 21C (70F). That is definitely gorgeous weather!

9) Deal with the pile of paper on the plastic organizer, which is really an extension of my desk.
     I read through a bunch of the paper while I was waiting in line to get our tires changed and some more while I sat outside on Saturday afternoon. When I wasn't cleaning that is.
Attempt #13 to get a new blog header photo.

10) Go to the gym. Preferably on my own. Possibly with the entire family in tow. This, sadly, did not happen. At all.

11) Take some pictures so that I won't have to post any more picture-less posts. It doesn't bother me when other people do that but it does when I do that. I threw some random pictures of Sam and Rachel into this post for you. You're welcome. Some of them Dave took on Saturday morning while I was having fun at Costco!
     11a) Figure out why I hold the double standard mentioned above. This one is easier to answer than 5a) because it deals with my own thoughts. I think I find other people's lives interesting enough to read about that I don't feel the need to see pictures all the time. However, I don't know why you would find my life interesting enough to read about, without the pictures to break up the monotony. And I know my mom only checks out the blog to see new pictures of Sam and Rachel! (Hi mom!) There is always the chance that you all hold the same double standard as I do and then I don't need to worry. Except for the fact that then we all think we need to have picture-filled posts. Oh sigh...!
Attempt #27 to get a new blog header photo.


  1. Love the springy new header and background!! And it sounds like you had a super productive weekend! If the weather here required changing tires...well, I would never survive if it involved waking up and waiting in line all day on a Saturday. I can only do that kind of thing if there is a ROLLER COASTER at the end of the HECK no. Haha.

  2. I love the new blog header! I'm glad that you got a lot checked off of your list. I love reading your blog pictures or no pictures. But, I have to admit, I do love looking at pictures of your little sweeties. =)

    1. Thanks for affirming the new Spring look. It felt so good to get a lot done last weekend. (I should have put "responding to blog comments" on my list though!)

      And thank you for weighing in on the picture thing. I think most of my posts will have at least one picture but I can't promise they will always be of my kids :)

  3. Yep, I love the new Spring blog look and header. Yes, we know all about the many attempts to get good pictures with kids. I have found many of your posts very interesting and informative with and without pictures, but like Tracy said, I do love seeing the pictures. I mean just look at Miss Rachel's cute little Spring dress and how she is clutching her bunny...too sweet! And I think the tire changing would definitely be an "Eddie task" if we had to do that. Hehe!

  4. Hi Natasha, love the blog. Tripoli


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)