Tuesday, June 20, 2023

I Spy 2023: Week 24

As of today, we have seven days of school left and then I have an additional three days of work before we get to summer break (for 3/4 of us)!!! Before that however, we have to get through a school picnic, five field trips, four graduations, an out of country work trip, and a couple of family events. It's going to be a full two weeks. This week's "I Spy" is the "summer life" version of "I Spy."

Let's Play iSpy 2022

Front Yard – Quarterly

The last time I posted a picture of the "front yard" for this challenge, it looked like this: click here. This was our "front yard" last night. There is a lot more green. I love our summer front yard. The grass needs to be mowed in this picture but it just looks so summery.


You probably weren't expecting a picture of ice cream for this prompt, but this particular flavour was a little too "spicy" for my tastes. I ended up giving half my cone to Sam. It was a hibiscus sorbet with lime and ginger. I think the ginger is what gave it the extra kick. And since I'd had a Moscow Mule with extra strong ginger beer earlier that same day, my tongue was already a little grumpy. Does that ever happen to any of you?!?!? I love a good ginger beer but sometimes it's just on the edge of "too much."


With all the gorgeous weather, we've been living our best outdoor lives, and our "inside" is a little neglected, as you can see from this picture. There's laundry to fold, dusting to do, errands to run, and floors to be swept, and we just don't care about any of it! (Until someone runs out of socks or underwear, at least. Hahaha!)


I was heading outside to take a picture of our tree bark for this prompt but was stopped by our decaying stump. I thought this image clearly fit the prompt "textured" as there is so much going on with this poor stump. Eventually, we want to build a deck over it, so we haven't bothered to remove it and it's been an ongoing nature study in our backyard for a number of years!

Your Choice

Watching my kids do their things on a summer evening is always "my choice!" Sam is playing soccer twice a week and Rachel is taking a few weeks of spring dance.

*week 76 of Lysha's challenge prompts. See her post here.



  1. Awww that ice cream does not look spicy at all- it is very pretty-ha! Love the kid pics- Amen Mama :)

  2. I love how lush your front garden is, like a little English Cottage!!

  3. A spicy ice cream! I've never heard of that, not sure I'd be a fan either.

    Corinne x


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