Thursday, March 05, 2020

February Goals Update And What I Want To Accomplish In March

 It's already the first week of March which means it's time for another goals update. Yay?!?

First, a look at how I did in February:

1) Find a regular grocery shopping time.

So I had hinted when I stated this goal that some things were beginning to fall into place. The major thing, which affects my grocery shopping, is that I have four "permanent" morning hours at the same school every week. After those hours, I go and do my regular volunteering at another school just five minutes away. And after my volunteering is done, I head for the grocery store. This fills up my day and means that grocery shopping is happening fairly early in the week. I'm so happy with this change because it allows me to work, volunteer, and feed our family :)

2) Pick January pictures for calendar.

This was pretty easy because I just picked all the family pictures from our cruise! I especially love the one below, which you've already seen a few times :)

3) Finish reading Harry Potter to Rachel.

Thank goodness for that extra day in February this year because I read Rachel the last thirty pages in one sitting last Saturday, February 29th, at 5pm :) She was so stressed about whether Ginny and Harry were going to be okay.

4) Read The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander.

I finally managed to finish this book. Emily gave me a great idea on how to tackle it, and it worked!  Her suggestion was to take the number of pages and divide it by the number of days I had to read it. Then I knew how many pages I had to read a day to finish it.

Full disclosure: I didn`t actually read the last pages until Monday (March 2), but I'm still counting it as a win! Also, this book is really important and I think everyone should read it. However, it is about as dense as a textbook so it is not an easy read. But, don't take my struggles in completing it as a sign that you shouldn't read it too.

5) Stay on top of blog comments.

I think I did a better job of that this month. It may have helped that I received fewer comments :) Hahaha!!! Seriously though, I love my conversations with all of you. (Also, if I don't have your e-mail address, I respond to comments on the blog post so check there if you're interested.)

6) Figure out that water thing for once and for all.

I don't think I did very well with this this month. However, I am still at two cups of coffee-hot chocolate in the mornings and rarely drinking Coke. Unless I'm sick or stressed, then I tend to drink Coke more often. (I was sick one day this month and stressed two other days -- cue the Coke drinking.)

7) Make a doctor's appointment.

I have a doctor's appointment booked for next week so hopefully I can get some things sorted out. We'll see...

8) Send out our holiday cards.

Okay, so again, I basically completed this one on Monday, March 2. There are a few random outliers which is due to waiting on address confirmations from a few people but I'm calling this one done. Finally.

And now to share my March goals with you: 

1) Pick out February pictures for calendar.

Yep, it`s still a goal. 

2) Enjoy March Break.

Almost everyone I know is going away for March Break so I need to think about some fun things to do with the kids to keep us all sane. I did a great job of this last year and this year, well, I'm struggling. If you have any great ideas, let me know! 

3) Clean out the fridge.

Does this count as March Break fun!?!?! Hahaha!!!
Cleaning out the fridge with the kids on the last day of March Break last year. 

4) Go through clothes in the basement.

I have a few bags of hand-me-down clothes I need to sort through. It's time to deal with those.
It's also time to look at those boxes of shoes again.   

5) Family game nights.

I feel like I make this goal every winter but seriously -- it's the best time of the year to spend an evening indoors playing games. Plus, this way we can figure out which games we're done with.
 Surely we can get rid of some of these, right?!
Or you know, enjoy playing them :) 

6) File our taxes.

We have money coming to us (probably) so why shouldn't we put the work in to get it?!?! 

7) Figure out Sam's birthday party. And his present :)

Again, this is a regular March goal. Sam actually has a pretty good plan in place so I just need to figure out how, and when, to implement it.
How is it possible that this little baby is turning 11?!?!?!

8) Start working on our Disney Cruise book.

I don't know when someone is next going to the States to pick it up, but I'd like to get working on it at least. It's going to be a big one so I'm going to take Emily's idea from above of breaking it down into chunks. 

9) Read some more books off my personal TBR.

Maybe March Break would be a good time to tackle this. Hmmmm... maybe I should plan a March Break readathon???
Plus, it looks like I need to make dusting my dresser a goal.
Although I did move a bunch of stuff out of the way for the picture
and that stuff usually hides the dust. Ha!   

I think that's more than enough goals for March. Wish me luck! And probably some patience (and cooperative children!) too :)


  1. Funny that you should mention the grocery time - we are suddenly ALL off our game on this one. Sigh. Perhaps you will inspire us!

  2. Hooray for finishing the New Jim Crow!!!! I hope you threw yourself a mini party. :) Also Sam was a beautiful baby!!!!

  3. I love the idea of having a regular weekly grocery trip. I always end up needing multiple trips per week! Also, I love that you're choosing calendar pictures at the end of each month. It's so stressful at the end of the year!

  4. Sam as a baby!!!! LOVE! My physical book pile GREW this month - AH! I got FOR FREE a hardback copy of The Rise of Magicks (the last in that doomsday trilogy by Nora that you don't want to read) - it just came out in the fall and our library had it in the giveaway shelving - WHAT? But yeah that doesn't help me read more of my physical books ha. I need to decide if I'm making photo books or not, everyone says to do it monthly to not get overwhelmed. I feel like my goal this year should be to do 2020 and 2010 and next year 2021 and 2011 haha.


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)