Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Daily Photo: July 2 - 8, 2019

July 2, 2019 -- We ran a bunch of errands this day including dropping the kids' school kits off for donation. Here the kids are standing in front of a partial shipment of hygiene kits, relief kits, and blankets all set to go to Jordan. You can read more about the different kinds of kits here.

July 3, 2019 -- The kids were packed and ready to go spend a few days with Dave's parents.

July 4, 2019 -- On our first kid-free evening, we enjoyed some poutine from a festival in our city square. I had the Newfie poutine which had stuffing and peas as well as cheese curds, gravy, and French fries. YUM!!!

July 5, 2019 -- The first day lily of the season opened this day.

July 6, 2019 -- We picked the kids up from Dave's parents this day and they didn't even get inside the house before they started picking Saskatoon berries off the tree. Yum!!!

July 7, 2019 -- We had an impromptu lunch and pool date with friends this day. It was really fun!

July 8, 2019 -- Sam got to pitch, likely for the last time this season, at his ball game this day. This team has been okay but I honestly still miss him being on the same team with all his friends like last year :(


  1. Looks like y'all are doing summer right!!

  2. What is poutine? I swear half my comments are asking you to explain things to me, ha!


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