Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Defining Family

I realize that many of you in blog/Instagram world have likely already seen this, so sorry for the repetitive nature of this post. It is more for my IRL friends and family!
A few months ago, Kelly, a blogger I read, asked her readers to define "family" for an article she was writing. The article came out recently in the "Celebrate Arkansas" magazine and I encourage you to go and take a look. You just might recognize someone. Sam and Rachel did :)
Also, you should read all the definitions of "family" from Kelly's original post because something this amazing and complex cannot be defined in just one way. Thank you to everyone who is a part of my, of our, family. I love you all!

And a big thank you to my blog family for being excited with me about this!!!


  1. That is so neat and beautiful. Your definition is great. Family is definitely a complex word to define with many meanings. I love that they included you in the article! I had actually not read the post yet so your post was my first knowledge of it. You are famous in Arkansas! ;-)

  2. I was so excited when I saw your picture!!! This is so neat!

  3. That's awesome! :) I feel proud to know you. :)

  4. Awesome! Can I get an autographed copy??? :)

    1. I can print this page off and sign it for you :)

  5. That is exciting! Congrats!!


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)