Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday Favourite Moments #17

It's time for another round up of my Friday Favourite Moments. Most of these were featured on my What's Up Wednesday post a few days ago but I still wanted to document my favourite moments from this past week.

1) Permanent Head Secretary

In case you missed it, after two years, my job position went permanent and I got hired!!! I wasn't surprised that my principal hired me as she was very clear that she wanted me to have the job but there was a teeny tiny part of me that worried HR might block her somehow. So I am very excited to be in this position permanently. And honestly, one of the best parts of getting the position was how excited my co-workers were with me! I felt so loved :) And best of all, I don't have to leave this school which I have fallen in love with -- I didn't picture myself as a middle school secretary (I honestly thought I'd end up as an elementary school librarian) but it is the best place for me.

I really do try to focus on the good in these posts but I should mention, that unfortunately, in the one day gap between my temp position ending and my permanent position starting (which happened to be on the weekend), HR got locked for the week for some reason, and I got kicked back to my old school. So this week, I haven't actually had access to many of the things I need at my work (finances, IT, student accident reports, bus delays, etc). Grrrrrr. So it's been a frustrating week of finally being permanent but not being able to do my job well, through no fault of my own. I have a huge pile of tasks waiting for Monday when HR should be unlocked and I should get my access back. Wish me luck!

2) Celebrating my aunt's 80th birthday

My cousins threw a party for my aunt in Toronto and Dave, Sam, and I went. I loved catching up with some other aunts and seeing my cousins. And it was so fun to celebrate my aunt.

3) Flowers from my cousin

My two cousins put so much work into the party, including arranging the flowers. I commented on how fun the flower arrangements were and they sent me home with three. So the party decor lived on at our house all week!  

4) Rachel's dance ice cream party

Rachel had her RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) exam this past weekend and then, for Tuesday's RAD class, they had parent viewing, followed by an ice cream party! It was so fun to see how excited the dancers were for each other and how much fun they all had celebrating with ice cream.

Honestly, this week was kind of crazy and I was hardly home, which I don't love. But I am glad that I decided to focus on favourite moments every Friday because it helps me find the good, even in weeks where I feel somewhat frustrated and stressed for a lot of it.

Thankfully, next week should be a little calmer and some of my frustrations from this week should have eased, plus we have a really fun weekend ahead, but it also includes some relaxation, so that's all good!


  1. Congratulations on the job!! That school is lucky to have you!

  2. Congratulations Natasha! So happy for you AND they are very lucky to have you! Such a cute pic of Rachel too :)


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