Tuesday, April 23, 2024

All My March Reads

I realize we're almost at the end of April but I haven't yet posted about my March reads. I can always tell when work is getting stressful, and taking all my brain power, because not only do I sleep a lot more, but I default back to In Death books for the bulk of my reading. So the first half of the month I read some great books and then, the last half of the month, I read a lot of the In Death books.

Once the trilogy of The Inheritance Games reaches its climax, this book tells stories about two of the brothers. I thought this book was good but it didn't feel like a vital part of the story. I really think the trilogy can stand alone without this extra book. 


I really enjoyed this book. I read it in one sitting (way too late at night when I should have been going to sleep) and I loved it. This book made me cry. It's not very deep, but I recommend it.

This is another book which sucked me in. As with all thrillers these days, there is a twist partway through, which I couldn't have anticipated, but which made the book all that more enjoyable and creepy.

I am doing a reading challenge this year through FOLD (Festival of Literary Diversity) and this was one of the books I read for February (albiet a bit late). I was glad to read this story, although sad that stories like this have to exist. Why are people so cruel?



Here are all the In Death books I read towards the end of March. I'm not going to write about each one of them but I will say, that as the series continues, I find the building and growth of Eve's community much more interesting to read about than the solving of each book's murders.

So that was all my March reading. While April has continued the In Death trend, I have also read some other excellent books. I will write about them eventually, but it likely won't be for a couple of weeks.

March total: 12

2024, thus far: 48

(For interest's sake, 2023, at this time: 43)


  1. The Housemaid? Right? I am a big Freida McFadden fan now- that was my first book of hers- keep reading them- they just keep getting better!

  2. I really enjoyed The Summer of Broken Rules too (I read it on our cruise!) and I am just starting The Housemaid right now but I have high hopes for it. And I always love the In Death books.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! So very happy for you and your new job- they are lucky to have you! Love all of the dance pics and congrats to Rachel on completing RAD exams :)


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