It's time to check in on how my April goals went and set some May goals. Three of these goals happened just last night and I'm going to own that but still check them off as having been done in "April" since I hadn't yet published this post.
1) Pick out February and March pictures for the yearly calendars. I finished this in fifteen minutes last night. Given that it doesn't take very long, I don't know why I procrastinate so badly on this. There must be a lesson in there somewhere, right? :)
2) Floss every day. I clearly don't love flossing. I flossed maybe three times in March (the first month I had this as a goal) and maybe six times in April. I mean that's better than the "not at all" I was flossing before, but it's still not great. I'm going to keep working on this while not making it a goal.
3) Clean out our bedroom closet. This was another goal which happened last night. And our closet looks so much better. Why did we have so much crap in there?!?!?
There are empty shelves!!!
4) Clean out hall closet. This was another "it happened last night" goal. Again, this didn't take all that long. We threw out some things, we have a whole bag of expired medication to go the pharmacy, and our hall closet just looks a lot better.
5) File our taxes. We got this done on April 23 even though I was exhausted from the after effects of the Covid vaccine and allergies. However, I powered through and we've already gotten our tax return. Yay!!!
6) Go through Sam's clothes. Sam and I slowly did this over the month and now we have another two bags of his clothes to get to the thrift store, once it opens. I'm so excited this is done for another season!
7) Get some books off my personal TBR. I feel like I did the best at this goal last month. Thanks to having over two weeks off work, and not being able to go anywhere due to the lock down, my stack went from the one on the left to looking like the one on the right. I read eight books off this pile and it feels so much more manageable now. Yay!!!
On the left is my stack in February, and on the right is my stack as of last night. This is so much better! And bonus, I read, and returned, three books to friends and sent three books to Little Free Libraries. Whoo hoo!!!
8) Get out for a walk every day. I am sad to say I am not doing well at this. Part of the contributing factor is that we've had a cold, wet, spring and it's hard to motivate myself to get outside during yucky weather. The other contributing factor was that my allergies hit me hard for about three weeks in April and all I wanted to was sleep so motivating myself to exercise was a lot harder in general.
Now on to what I'd love to accomplish in May.
1) Pick out April pictures for calendar.
This picture is definitely making the cut!
2) Edge around all the beds in our yard. It's time to make some spring yard work goals. If I could get all the bed edging done this month, I'd be so excited!
3) Clean the car -- Armor All, vacuum, etc. I'm starting to get grossed out being in our car. It's so dusty and dirty. We need a free Saturday morning and some good weather and we'll get this done.
4) Hand wash the tablecloth from Christmas. Iron out the wax from the place mat. I got most of my handwashing done in April so I just have a couple of things left. Sadly, the place mat has been waiting for over a year for me to iron the wax out and that's just pathetic. It mocks me every time I do laundry :)
5) Figure out some exciting cold lunches. My job has been extended for another couple of weeks so I know I have some more days of cold lunches ahead of me. It's time to find some exciting things to eat :) I mentioned this in my "currently" post the other day and got some great ideas in the comments. I am going to scour Pinterest and see what else I can find.
6) No post-supper snacking. This one is self-explanatory. I don't even think I'm that hungry at night -- I've just gotten into a bad habit of mindless snacking.
7) Go through my iPhone pictures and delete some. I think I have 2,600 pictures on my phone and why even do I need that many?!?!? It's time to weed them down. I'm sure I have about fifty copies of similar pictures so hopefully this won't be too painful.
8) Explore our city's Taco Trail! For Cinco De Mayo, our city posted a Taco Trail and our family is here for it. I'm super excited to eat some fun tacos this month!!!

I mean, doesn't this make you want to eat tacos!?!?
9) Try some focaccia bread art. I found out about this through the "Currently..." link up and I am so intrigued. This looks so beautiful!!! (Check it out on Pinterest here to be inspired.)

Both images from Pinterest using the "focaccia bread art" search.
How funny! I am also going to try the focaccia bread art! I saw it on Facebook and was immediately intrigued. I don't have super high hopes for mine turning out anywhere near as gorgeous as the examples, but, I figure it will be fun to try. We'll have to share pictures :)
ReplyDeleteI should certainly delete photos from my phone too, and stop snacking so much!
ReplyDeleteExcellent progress and goals! Seeing you making your calendar selections made me realize I have completely forgotten to work on my photo books haha. Thanks for the inadvertent reminder so that I can get back on that!
ReplyDeleteWe must be on the same wave length - I've made it a challenge to walk every day & get my steps in... AND with all my dental issues lately, I've been on a flossing kick again - LOL I hate it every time still
ReplyDeleteSome great goals!!
ReplyDeleteThat bread art is a good one- I want to try too- you are inspiring me!
ReplyDeleteYes, I want to try the Focaccia bread art. Looking at your goals makes me think I need to do the same thing. Being back in the office has me all out of sorts.
ReplyDeleteWe filed our taxes on April 24th, one day after you! I don't know why I found this funny, probably millions of people filed those two days, but whatever. Also that's an impressive reduction of your TBR! I clean my car once a year (missed last year because postpartum). Two weeks ago, I vacuumed and dusted and it has been deeply satisfying ever since. I love a clean car. (Also, I found corn in the back seat. CORN! WHY? We don't eat in the car... how is there corn?!?!?). Also, a tip for iPhone photos cleanout (because I did this before Carson was born): go back to the beginning of your iphone pictures and do one month a day until you get to present day. It takes less than 5 minutes and its a fun walk down memory lane each day.
ReplyDeleteWe've had a pretty cold and wet spring that is making walking/ hiking every day a challenge too. Though I sure do try. I just put clean out the coat/shoe closet on my list yesterday and am trying to tackle that chore this week.
ReplyDeleteTwo cold lunch ideas for you that I make often (and I know you are veg!):