Monday, September 09, 2024

Share Our Lives: Finding Peace In My Day

As it's already the second Monday in September (HOW? HOW! HOW!?!?!), it's time for Share Our Lives with Sarah, Dara, Joanne, Adrienne, and Jen. (Click on each name to go their blogs.) This month's prompt is "how we find peace in our day."

I was very stumped on this and then Dave asked, "What about walking?" And I realized that my walk to work is how I find peace in my day. When I had to drive to work every day, even though it was only about 15 minutes, I was so grumpy when I arrived at work. I really don't like driving and I found it was a stressful way to start my morning.

Being able to hop on my favourite trail, in winter or spring, and just walk is so peaceful to me. I don't listen to music or podcasts -- it's just me and my thoughts.
I transition from "home mode" to "work mode" and I just have time to think. It helps that my walk is only about 15-20 minutes so it's not too long.
And at certain times of the year, I see the most gorgeous sunrises too.

So that is the main way I find peace in my day. It's a consistent time in almost every day where I have quiet and no one asking anything of me.

I also enjoy my afternoon Coke (usually when I get home from work) but I'm often multi-tasking while I drink it -- talking to Dave, managing the kids' needs, making dinner, reading blogs, etc.

I'm looking forward to reading your posts because honestly, I think I need more ways to find peace in my days.


  1. That is a wonderful way to find peace in your day! Our walk to the mailbox and back is a good 15-20 minutes and I almost always do that in silence too and it's nice and peaceful.

  2. That IS a peaceful piece of the day! I have found walking to be far less peaceful since getting a dog. It's not Lexi that makes it stressful, but rather all the dogs we walk by who rush us! I miss the peace of walking and am so glad you can still enjoy it! - Bekah

  3. Walking especially outside definitely does it for me too :)

  4. I think that's perfect. And without music or a podcast, extra special time outdoors.

  5. I love taking walks too! I hope you have a nice week.

  6. I can see how walking could be so peaceful, i need to do it more.

  7. I love walking, it is nice to be able to think and take things at my own pace.

  8. Haha! I think we all said walking. It is very peaceful :)

  9. This is a wonderful answer for finding peace! Oh I would LOVE if I could walk to and from work! Well, maybe I wouldn't love it when the weather is disagreeable, but boy I'd love if it was even an option! The commute is stressful for me, but I do use it to listen to my son on the radio so that helps.

  10. Love this! Walking is so calming!

  11. I always feel so much better if I can get a walk in outside. Thanks for linking up with us.


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)