Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Mountains, Ice Cream, And Racing -- Oh My!

I'm finally writing about the last of our summer road trip. We finished it up with a couple of fun days!

We drove from Maine through New Hampshire to Vermont. To break up the drive, we stopped in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. This was just a short walk off the road and it was the most beautiful spot.
This was the view from a scenic overlook. It was just gorgeous.
We stopped at a resort and took a gondola ride up to the top of the mountain.
More great views!
The reason we stopped at this resort was so we could play a round of disc golf. Rachel was pretty stressed about playing disc golf "down a mountain" but we found a few videos to show her that we wouldn't be hanging off cliffs while we played!
We had a lot of fun even though some of the holes were pretty steep!
Did I mention the gorgeous scenery?!?!
We played about halfway down the mountain and then took a chairlift to the bottom. Rachel caught this picture of a deer and her baby which we saw from the chairlift. It was so cool!
Our main reason for going to Vermont was to tour the Ben & Jerry's factory. It was interesting but I wouldn't recommend going to Vermont just for the factory tour! My favourite part was actually the ice cream graveyard where they've "buried" their retired flavours.
The next morning we got up and attempted to play another round of disc golf at a new course before hitting the road. Sadly, Sam dropped his phone somewhere between hole 2 and hole 4 and we ended up looking for it for an hour before leaving it behind. (It was a black phone in a black case on silent so it was very hard to see and we couldn't phone it.) Sam just got a new phone this past weekend so it was a bit of an interesting summer for him with no phone for six weeks.
We stopped at nature preserve to walk around and break up the driving. The kids were super annoying at this stop and I'm not sure it was worth it. #reallife
We spent an evening with my cousins, and their dog, in Ottawa. It was so great to visit with them.
And for one last road trip adventure, Dave and I got to be passengers in Rob's race car! It was slalom racing through a course in a parking lot and it was super fun!!!

So that was our family's summer road trip. We had lots of adventures, lots of fun, a few tough moments, and made many memories!


  1. So so much fun- I am sure this trip was a highlight that the kids will always remember!

  2. we have hopes to visit New England next summer!

  3. OH no; so sorry to hear Sam had lost his phone. I completely agree that while the Ben & Jerry's tour is a bit cute it is definitely not worth driving for just to see it... in fact I don't think the factory part has even been running the last 2 or 3 times I've been. The scenery is just beautiful though (and now I'm king of wishing I had booked a white mountain retreat for this fall...).

  4. What a fun trip minus the phone loss! We haven't really traveled up that way much. Hoping to get there before too long. Thew views are amazing.

  5. NH and VT are so pretty in the summer! Sorry about Sam's phone!!


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