Tuesday, September 10, 2024

10 On The 10th: August 2024

Even though it's September 10th today, I still haven't posted my photos for August 10th. So today, while I'm documenting my day in 10 photos, you get to read about August. We had just gotten home from Scotland two days before (and my posts about that trip are coming next -- I promise!), and so this day included a lot of yard work.

Any day that starts with laundry on the line and drinking coffee-hot chocolate outside with Dave is a good one! Yes, I'm obsessed with hanging out my laundry :)
Our house is covered in ivy and I was feeling claustrophobic with not being able to see out our bedroom window. So Dave held the ladder while I cut the vines off. Rachel took the photos :)
I did some weeding in the front and trimmed the edges of the beds.
One of my summer projects was clearing things out of our freezers. I made very random fruit milkshakes for lunch this day to get rid of some of the very old frozen fruit we had. They were actually really good!
Rachel bought a new art project to work on -- it's like diamond painting but you stick very small beads in a pattern. She worked on this llama for about two weeks.
We discovered that there was a huge vine growing in about six backyards in our area. So we spent a few hours trying to clear some of it out from our back yard. Sam and Rachel were working together to get it out of our hedge.
We enjoyed a BBQ for supper. All the veggies came from our CSA. These are my favourite kinds of summer meals.
And thanks to a long day of yard work, and still catching up from jet lag, I was in bed by 7pm. Phew.
August 10 was a favourite day for me. I love spending time with my family, working in our yard. Today is going to hold a lot of work and errands so it will not be a favourite day! Hahahaha!!!


  1. Your pics are making me miss summer- ahhhh. Anyway, love the ivy on your house!

  2. That sounds like a lovely day with lots of productivity for having jet lag!

  3. 1. I love your quilt!! 2. Totally impressed by your laundry drying organization.

  4. (PS - that last comment was from me! Bekah)

  5. That is a very nice quilt. My aunt made many of which i have a few and i cherish them.


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