Monday, September 16, 2024

One Day In Glasgow

This past summer Dave and I got to travel together, just the two of us, for the first time since July 2018. We were sooooo excited to have almost two weeks together. So here's a recap of the first days of our trip.

We dropped the kids off at the bus which would take them to camp and a few hours later, we headed to the airport. We received an unwelcome surprise when we discovered the night before that we couldn't check any luggage and had to pack carry-on only. It was a stressful hour as we rearranged everything, but eventually we met the challenge -- an almost two week trip in carry on!
First glimpse of Scotland from the plane. We visited Edinburgh for a few days on our honeymoon but this was the first we had spent any length of time there.

We arrived in Glasgow before 7am on Monday morning and the goal was simply "stay awake." We easily found our hotel and headed out to explore Glasgow. First up: a cafe mocha and breakfast for Dave.

Fuelled by caffeine, we headed off to the University of Glasgow. We had to walk through this beautiful park to get there and then we explored the university grounds and buildings.

It seriously looked like Hogwarts!!!
Next we headed off to The Hidden Lane. Supposedly on the weekends, this a bustling square of activity and shopping at small stores but very little was open on a Monday morning. It was still really fun to see though.
Dave and I enjoyed a "wee tea" at a tea shop which was open in the lane. Dave was so tired, he fell asleep sitting up at lunch! Hahaha!
There was a record store which was open and we had a long conversation with the owner and his wife who had spent time in Canada. On their recommendation, we walked back to central Glasgow to visit The Tenement House. From their website, found here

Miss Agnes Toward, a shorthand typist, made this house her home from 1911 until 1965. Upon first glance, the Tenement House may seem like an ordinary middle-class tenement from the late 19th century. However, as soon as you step inside, you are transported to a different era. The four rooms, meticulously restored, appear as if frozen in time, offering a unique window into life in early 20th-century Glasgow.

It was soooo interesting to see all the things which had been preserved, and to see how small apartments would have been for large families.
Can you imagine washing dishes in that sink?!?!
We walked back to our hotel as we were able to check in around 2:30. We had a brief nap and then went down to enjoy dinner and free drink!
Cheers to being on vacation and a delicious fish and chips meal!!!
And it was cheapest to book a room with two single beds. We figured we'd want a good night's sleep but it was a funny way to start off our couples trip!!! We needed a good sleep though because the next day was the start of our big adventure!!!


  1. Wow! So much fun- that fish and chips looks amazing!

  2. Looks like a great start to your trip!

  3. Drooling over that coffee and giggling about the beds. Wow! What a wonderful trip! I can't wait to read more! - Bekah

  4. Wow, it looks so pretty there and very green. I can't wait to read about your trip.

  5. That sounds like such a wonderful start to the trip (though my husband falls asleep while sitting up everywhere we go!). Those fish and chips look delicious!


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