Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday Favourite Moments Week 33

I haven't posted a "Friday Favourite Moments" post since May and, if this summer has reminded me of anything, it's to enjoy and savour the small moments. So here are some of my favourite moments from this past week:

1) Getting lots of yard work done

Left: Before; Right: After
We came home from Scotland and our yard was looking very neglected. Thankfully, this past Saturday was a beautiful day so we spent all day doing yard work and things look much better now. I am just waiting for the rain this weekend to soften things up so I can get more weeding done in the back yard.
Unfortunately, there is a very invasive vine taking over the very back of the back yards in our area so we put some time on Saturday into clearing out some of it. It's gotten into our hedge and our big tree as well as our lawn. Here are the kids working together to get some of it out of the hedge. This will be a continuing project over the next month or so...

2) Connecting with a good friend at church

Sadly, due to Rachel's dance and our commitments at the synagogue, our church attendance fell off this past winter and spring. We have recommitted to going to church and this past Sunday, I saw one of my best friends there. I asked how she was doing and it was clear she needed to talk. So we skipped the service and talked for the whole time. I was so glad that I could be there for her.

3) Sam got his braces off!!!!!!

After just over two years, Sam got his braces off earlier this week!!! We've been celebrating by eating popcorn and watching Ted Lasso. Sam LOVES soccer so he really wanted to watch this show. It's been so nice to spend all this time with him and we're flying through the show. I may not be getting other things on my "to do list" done but I'm getting amazing connecting time with my teenager so I'm not regretting it at all.

4) Tea with Janice & Tessa

Even though I don't have any pictures, I want to remember having tea with Janice and Tessa this week. It was such a good morning of connecting and getting to hang out with them. Here's to more of that this fall!

5) Fresh bread and pretty flowers and summer produce

August produce is some of my favourite -- peaches and tomatoes. Yum yum yum!!! I've been enjoying toasted tomato sandwiches on fresh bread and my flower bouquets this week are so pretty!!! (I have a flower share through our CSA and then I bought glads at the pool market this week.)

So those have been some of my favourite moments from this past week. Tell me something good which happened for you this week. Happy Friday!!!


  1. This week Simon turned 14 and we watched a movie together as a family.

  2. Lots of great favorites! I nearly bought a flower share with our CSA this year too and seeing the pretty bouquets each week I'm kind of kicking myself for not adding that on.


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