Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Currently: August 2024

I was sad to miss the "Currently" post last week with Jennifer at Overflowing With Thankfulness so I'm linking up a few days late. You can find Jennifer here


Yesterday Sam got his braces off and we spent the afternoon eating popcorn and watching Ted Lasso. (I'm always about three years behind on "current" shows!) I was "loving" having all this time with Sam and we watched another few episodes last night.

I am also "loving" toasted tomato sandwiches for lunch and I am still "loving" the ocean inspired napkins I bought in Maine on our summer holidays.

[looking forward to]

While I'm not "looking forward to" going back to work next week (boo), I am "looking forward to" getting back into more of a routine. Summer is a nice break from regular happenings but around this time of the summer, I start "looking forward to" getting into the swing of things again.


 Well, everything is all scheduled for the rest of the summer and most of our fall is already scheduled in terms of weekly activities too. I should be "scheduling" time to complete the list of house tasks I wanted to accomplish before heading back to work, but instead it appears I'm "scheduling" time to watch Ted Lasso and eat popcorn with Sam instead! Hahaha!

I did go through our freezers on Saturday and now I have a list of meals I will be "scheduling" over the next few weeks and months to use up some of the food I unearthed. It's nice to have a list of meal ideas to make as I'm feeling a little uninspired on that front these days.


I'm going to write here about what Rachel is "buying." I mentioned earlier in the summer that the kids were doing more volunteering/working this summer and it was different than what we were used to. Well, Rachel has earned enough money this summer that she bought herself a new backpack, a new lunch bag, and new Converse high tops for school. It's so strange to me to have kids who are grown up enough to do this. What happened to my babies?!?!?!?

(As an aside, we do buy these things for our kids when they need them but Rachel didn't need a new backpack or lunch bag. She wanted them so we said she had to buy them on her own since her old ones were still good.)

[gearing up for]

Rachel has a couple of weeks of day camps left this summer, and Sam has one last big adventure, but then our summer break will be over and we will be "gearing up for" school. We have a few weeks left of late night, summer fun, ice cream, and lazy days, but they're coming to an end soon...

So that's what's up with us "currently." I read somewhere that August is "the Sunday of summer" and that's absolutely what this next week will feel like to me -- one last time of enjoying a freer schedule before needing to wake up early, get out of the house, and divide my focus between work and home/family things. I am grateful I get a lot of time off in the summer and I'm trying switch my focus to being grateful for the opportunities that working provides me/us with. Until then, I'm off to watch more Ted Lasso with Sam :)


  1. Yes, I remember when my boys got their braces off and they felt so 'free' Congrats to Sam for enduring that time with braces and now having an even more amazing smile. :-)

  2. I love Ted Lasso, nice way to spend time with your son :)

  3. Definitely like the Sunday of summer! My kids go back to school a week from today.

  4. Ooooh what do you put on these toasted tomato sandwiches?! I love tomato. I think it's my favorite food in the world. And congrats to Sam on having his braces removed!


  5. Congrats to Sam and you guys for adhering to the no popcorn rule with braces. Alyssa had braces on for a crazy long time- like six years and she ate popcorn A LOT while wearing braces! Cute napkins from Maine! We bought some tea towels and pot holders in Maine with a lobster motif. So fun and summery!

  6. I'm the same way with my kids! If they don't need something and they just want it, they need to use their own money. I need to finish Ted Lasso, too! It's such a good show!

  7. Those napkins are so cute! And yay for no more braces!

  8. My son Andrew was so glad to get his braces off.

  9. I agree with you on Summer-though I work all year and am always sad when it is over, the routine for the kids again is really healthy!

  10. Congrats to Sam on getting his braces off; that is such a great feeling! I need to go through our freezers already and organize/plan around what's in them. We just got our upstairs fridge/freezer combo last month but I feel like I don't really know what's in it already since I don't have a great system going yet.


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